Playing with fire

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"Oh my God! The house is on fire." They heard someone scream which made the whole apartment shake up.

Everyone rushed out of their rooms hurriedly, Namjoon turned himself into steel as a reflex,

Yoongi immediately thought of Jennie and was going to check up on her but stopped when he saw Taehyung and her getting out of the room. Holding hands.. interesting, but it wasn't the time to focus on that small detail.

Lisa and Jungkook were unexpectedly calm about the whole situation, or was it really unexpected?

"So? Where's the fire?" Lisa asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh did we disturb you guys? We're sorry this idiot couldn't keep his mouth shut." Jisoo apologized while glaring at him.

"I really thought the house was going to burn." Jin pouted.

"The cake is the only burnt thing here.. why would the house burn too?" She sighed trying to control her anger. "Oh mY GoD thE hoUse iS on fiRe" she mocked.

"Y'all should've seen the smile Jungkook put on his face when he heard the word 'fire', he got out from the room as excited as Bambam when he finds a dabfriend." Lisa laughed remembering her dorky best friend.

"Well that's creepy." Namjoon said.

"What? Fire is my element, you can't blame me. Now I feel so disappointed, I was fooled." Jungkook said sadly but then,

"Where's Jimin and Chae? Did they seriously not wake up? Hoseok too?" Jisoo asked ignoring Jungkook's non so logical argument.

"Hoseok is still sleeping." Namjoon said as he scratched the back of his head, "Please don't wake him up, I can't hendle his clingy ass right now." He yawned then leaned on the closest wall he found.

"What about Chaemin?"

"And what's that?"

"That's my ship name for them, how do you like it?"

"Seriously Lalice?" Jisoo facepalmed herself. Then gave Lisa a stern look. They all look at her weirdly, isn't she exaggerating?

"You could've asked me, you know I'm a ship master." She rolled her eyes and they just laughed at her sudden response.

"I know right? I wanted to ask you but it just came out unconsciously now." Lisa ran to Jisoo's side then squealed as she hugged her "Aren't they so cute?"

"Yeah but I need to see how cute they are right now, where the hell are they? Didn't I tell him that I wanted to say something?" Yoongi said while standing next to Chaeyoung's room, he pushed the door slightly and sighed, they all looked at him with questioning eyes,

"They're not here."

"Seriously Jimin?" They heard Chaeyoung's voice coming from a distance. Weird.

They all went to her room and peeked from the balcony. There stood Chaeyoung lecturing a little Jimin sitting on the floor.

"Umm.. What are you guys doing exactly?" Jin asked, making them both raise their heads towards the group.

"This guy right here, he carried me and jumped off the window as soon as he heard Jin scream."

They all gasped and tried to keep the laughter in, but then decided to zip it and let them talk.

"Why are you angry at me? Shouldn't you be happy that you're the first person I thought of?"

"That's exactly why I'm angry, our friends were there too, I would never like to survive by myself."

"Well who said I'd like to survive by myself? The boys can handle themselves, Jisoo has Jin, they were both in the kitchen, Lisa has Jungkook and Jennie has Taehyung. Your friends are pretty strong too, you should trust them. Besides, Tae wouldn't mind some heat right now." He said as he looked at his friend to check on him, he sighed after seeing that he's fine but then he noticed something...

"Wait.. what are you guys doing?" He gasped, not believing his eyes.

"Umm.. watching a drama." Jisoo answered.

So yeah, they were all already seated and watching them argue. They even brought the cakes her and Seokjin baked a while ago.

"I'm wrong for thinking about you guys. Come Jimin let's leave this city." Rosé said dramatically, and shook her head.

Jimin took the hand Chaeyoung lent him to stand up but,

"Oww, my butt hurts." He said painfully as he patted his butt.

"Here let me heal it baby." She said with a creepy smile.

"Go away Chaeyoung." Jimin said while running away.

With Jimin running away and Rosie going after him, that's a happy ending to the drama 9 people are currently watching.

"Wow, goals." Jisoo chimed.

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