"That's kinky"

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"Why am I going to live here? Why can't I live in our house anymore?" The little girl asked as the man was leading her to a big building, ignoring all her questions and avoiding her eyes. Despite her tone laced with confusion, her eyes were glistening and her smile was still plastered on her beautiful face.

"Dad?" She asked again, earning and a cold glare from the man.

"You're going to live here, because we don't have a house anymore." He snapped coldly, opening a door and getting in without waiting for her small feet to keep up.

The apartment was quite big, a woman was talking to her dad and a little girl was sitting in the sofa watching TV, she looked around her age.
She spared a look in her direction, and went back to watching the cartoon that was playing.

"You're staying with them. This is your new home and family." He looked at her one last time, his eyes expressed only hatred and disgust, he then took strides forward, leaving her with them.

"Daddy p-please take me with you.." She pleaded as she laced her arms around his leg tightly, she had already started crying and her voice cracked with every word she let out.

He turned around and put his hand on her head and squeezed it making her whimper with pain, the woman just looked at the little girl with a pained and soft expression. She couldn't do anything but watch.

"Don't call me that ever again, I'm not your father." He spat harshly.

"P-please.." she begged again, her small hands trying to remove his hand from her head.

"Listen Jennie, all you have to remember is-"

Jennie snapped back from her memories when the school became noisy, the hallways that were so silent and empty became crowded with students and teachers. It was messier and more chaotic than usual.

She sighed and brushed the memory away from her mind, and looked at her friends, Hoseok and Namjoon were scanning the place around them, as if they hadn't seen it for a year after their little trip underground.

Rosé was leaning on a wall going about how much fun she had with the 'babies', Taehyung and Jin were just listening to her with bored expressions, they had no choice but to listen and nod at everything she said.

A new home, a new family.. She repeated again in her mind, her lips curving upwards this time.

"We have everything under control guys, don't panic." Solar was calming them through the school's microphone, it seemed like the teachers' struggle to get out from the classes was just an illusion, they've become unexpectedly chill.

"Shouldn't we find the others? They were talking about guests.." Jin said gaining a nod from the others. Jennie took a last glance at everything going on and left with her friends.

She hated the sight.

She wanted to get back there and assure them that nothing's wrong.

That they'll be fine.

She couldn't.

"Hey Jimin are you okay?" Jungkook shook Jimin's shoulder gently.

When he felt like his power was vanishing, and that he was going back to his human form, he quickly protected the younger one making sure he'll land in top of him, taking all the damage.

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