Chapter 2

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       We all were at Nova Headquarters now, handcuffed and waiting to go in for what I guess you could call questioning. The green lady went in first, then Rocket, and then Groot, leaving me alone with the guy I tried to capture, who I learned earlier wishes profoundly to be called Star-Lord.  A guard came to take me into the room, but decided to talk to me.

        "Hey, you're that Samantha Laver yeah? I'm pretty sure you stole my friends ship a while back." he said starting to push me towards the door.

        "Yeah, that was me, most likely.  Why do you care?" I replied harshly.

        "I don't."

        "Wait, wait, wait! Samantha Laver?" the Star-Lord guy said frantically.

        I looked at him confused and said "Yeah?" just as the guard pushed me through the door.

        "Oh my God." I heard Star-Lord say just before the door closed.

        Once I was in, I tried to look as intimidating as possible, which failed when I literally tripped over nothing walking to the middle. Good job i thought just walking it off to the middle of the room.  Once I got there to Nova officers started to tell my back story, or whatever you call it.  I tried to keep on a serious, yet intimidating, yet sarcastic face on the whole time.

        "Samantha May Laver." started one of the officers "Terra born, taken by ravages around the age of ten, then for some reason dropped off here at Xandar.  An orphanage took her in until she was eighteen, when she broke out of it and stole some guard's ship.  Ever since then she has been stealing artifacts and valuable items to sell to black markets.  Been to prison three times, broke out on her own twice, and the third time paid the Rocket guy to break her out with him and the tree a few months back.  They have been working together ever since."

        "You really did your research, didn't you buddy?" I said to the officers rolling my eyes.

        "What a dick." I heard some guy say.

     "Close.  I wouldn't truly rank myself as a dick.  Maybe a little lower than that.  I would say a prat, or a bitch maybe.  Just maybe." I said.

        "Just send her with the others." One of the officers said, as a guard grabbed my arm.

        "Hey, watch the merchandise kid!" I said as the guard pushed me through the door out of the room.  "Jesus Christ." I muttered as he slammed the door in my face.

        "Looks like you had fun in there." said Rocket.


        When the Star-Lord dude came out, all five of us were loaded onto a ship to deliver us to the Kyln.  Once we were all on, the so called Star-Lord started to talk to me.

        "Sam." he said in a somewhat hushed voice "Do you know who I am?"

        "No, why would I know who you are?" I said 

        "It's me." he said as if that would completely jog my memory.

        "That statement really doesn't help at all."

        'Peter Quill, the guy that you were taken off of Earth with?"

        "Oh my God, Peter!?" I said a bit louder than needed "I thought those guys killed you!"  

        "Wait, you know this guy?" Rocket said looking at me questionably.

        "Yeah, you know how I told you me and this dude were taken off of Earth before I was dropped off at Xandar?" I said.

        "Yeah." Rocket said as if it was common sense.

        "That's the dude." I said pointing back at Peter.  I really though that I would have never seen him again!  Not to mention that he grew up pretty damn well.

        "I hope you five are ready for the time of your lives." the pilot said to us as we neared the Kyln, which seems like an absolutely lovely place.


Hello! First I would like to say thank you to everyone that has voted and commented on this story, it really helps and makes me feel better about the story.  I am actually enjoying writing this so I hope you all are enjoying reading it!


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