Chapter 8

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                I’m not gonna lie that head was pretty cool.  I mean, I had no idea at all what was going on in there, but it looked kind of important. “So, what the hell is actually happening in here?” I asked, as the ship landed and we walked on to the head.

                “Hundreds of years ago the Tivan group sent workers in to mine the organic matter in the skull.” Gamora said “All these resources are highly valued in black markets across the galaxy.  It’s dangerous and hard work, a suitable place for criminals.”

                “Well, we come from a planet of criminals.” Peter said looking over at me “Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos.”

                “It sounds like a place I would like to visit.” Said Drax.

                “Yeah, it’s pretty nice.” I piped in, wanting to be a part of the conversation.  We continued walking, as a group of kids ran towards us.

                “Watch your wallets.” Peter said and I elbowed him in the side. “Hey! What was that for?” he asked and I just rolled my eyes.  I looked back to see Groot growing a flower and handing it to a little girl.

                “Oh my God, Groot! Sometimes I forget you’ve killed people!” I said, awing at the end.

                “I am Groot.”

                “Ah, whatever, I just want some money! Let’s get going!” Rocket said to me, getting slightly annoyed.

                “We are heading there now, rodent.” Gamora said, as we walked over to a trashy looking building.

                “Your buyer’s in there?” Rocket asked, obviously surprised.

                “We must wait here for his representative.” Gamora said, ignoring Rocket.

                “This is no respectable establishment. What do you expect us to do while we wait?” Drax asked.

                “Come with me.” Gamora said, leading them over to another part of the room.

                “You want to come with me?” Peter asked. “I still think we should talk some more.”

                “Yeah, sure.” I said and we walked outside.


                “Space is so cool.” I said, leaning on the railing. “That’s the main reason I left the orphanage, the other being it sucked ass.” Peter just scoffed at my last comment.

                “Space is pretty damn cool.” He said. “I never really think about it though.”

                I paused for a moment not sure of what to talk about. “I never saw my life turning out like this.  As a kid of course I wanted to go to space and stuff but, I never actually saw it happening.”

                “Yeah, I never saw myself being abducted by aliens either.” Peter said turning to face me.  I reached down to his Walkman, and pulled it out of his belt buckle.     

                “I honestly cannot believe you still have this.” I said “Not to mention you risked your life for it.” I put it back on his belt, knowing that he was protective over it.

                He took his headphones off from around his neck and put them over my ears.  I smiled as I recognized the song instantly. Fooled Around And Fell In Love. “My dad used to sing this to my mom,” I said, feeling my eyes start to water up. “Before he passed away.  It was her favorite song.” I closed my eyes and just listened to the song.  I felt Peter grab my hand and I opened my eyes.  He was much closer to me than before and was getting closer.  I looked him in the eye and then he looked down at my lips. We both leaned in, just as there was a loud crash coming from inside.  Both of our heads whipped around to see Rocket and Drax fighting. 

                “No!” Peter said as we ran inside.

                Once we were inside we saw Gamora holding back Drax, yelling at him.  I turned to see Rocket loading his gun.

                “WOAH WOAH WOAH!” I yelled jumping in front of Rocket “What the hell do you think you’re doing!?”

                “Move it Sam!” He yelled at me, but Peter ran over and stood right next to me.

                “This vermin thinks of nothing but himself!” Drax yelled at Rocket.

                “That is true!” Rocket yelled.

                “He has no respect!”

                “That is also true!”

                “Hold on! HOLD ON!” Peter yelled, pushing me back as Rocket lifted his gun higher.

                “Keep calling me vermin tough guy!” Rocket yelled over to Drax. “You just wanna laugh at me like everyone else!”

                “Rocket, stop, you’re drunk!” I said to him trying to calm him down. “Do you see anyone laughing at you?”

                “He thinks I’m just some stupid thing!” Rocket yelled at me. “Well, I didn’t ask to be made!  I didn’t ask to be torn apart over and over, and be turned into some monster!”

                “Rocket, you’re not a monster!” I said. Rocket never got like this. It was weird to see him that way.

                “He called me vermin! And she called me rodent! Let’s see how long you’ll last after five or six good shots of this!” He said as he loaded his gun again pointing it at Drax and Gamora.

                “Rocket, Rocket! Nononono! Four billion units!” Peter yelled throwing himself in front of them.  My heart started racing and I held my breath. “Suck it up for one more night and you’ll be rich!” with that Rocket lowered his gun.

                “Alright. But I’m not promising that right after this I’m not gonna kill every one of you jerks.”

                “See!?” Peter said, getting annoyed. “This is why none of you guys have any friends! Right after you meet someone you want to shoot them in the face.” He looked Rocket right in the eye and said “I’m surprised you didn’t kill Sam the second you met her!”

                “We traveled halfway across the quadrant, and Ronan is no closer to being dead.” Drax said walking away.

                “Drax!” I called to him.

                “Just let him go.” Gamora said to me.

                Right after she said that the doors opened and what looked like a Xandairian stepped out. “Me Lady Gamora, I am here to fetch you for my master.” She said point us towards the door.  

                “Let get the money, and then the hell out of here.” I said as we walked into the doorway.


Oh my God, I’m the worst.  I swear I didn’t die.  I got caught up in school and swim team and I just haven’t had the time to update.  I would have updated yesterday, but I had a swim meet and our wifi was broken. I’m back now though!  However, I think I am going to try to do weekly updates in my description, if you haven’t seen that yet.  Once again, I am so sorry for not uploading! Ily.

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