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[Y/n]'s POV

"(Y/n)! Get down here! Don't walk away when I'm talking to you, you useless trash!"

I cried running into my room. again.
I got into a fight with my mom. again.

My mom kept on telling me to apply in a business university which I clearly don't want to. She wanted me to go there because there's this guy who she wanted me to get married with. I don't know who he is, I don't want to know anyways.

It's Saturday night and I'm crying again.
Life sucks. I'm tired of crying like this.
It makes me look weak. When will this end?

Suddenly, I heard my mom barged into my room. Should've locked the door.

"You're dropping out of High school."

My eyes widened as she said that. I can't believe she just said that.
"What?" I asked her.

"You heard me, You're. Dropping. Out. Of. High. School."

"Mom! What did I do to even deserve this?" I'm literally shouting in front of her while tears are uncontrollably coming out of my eyes.

"I don't want you to become a singer. It's pointless. You should be a housewife and get married to a wealthy man I choose."

"No, Mom! I don't want to be a housewife and get married to the man you wanted me to marry! Why can't you just support me, Mom? Why do we have to argue all the time like this?"

"I won't have to argue with you if you just do what I say, (Y/n)"

"No. I'm done with this, Mom. Do whatever you want. But, I'm still going to be a singer."

She looked at me with the look of anger and disgust. She came closer to me and began beating me up.

She started screaming a lot of things to me while I try as hard as I can to avoid all of her punches and kicks.

"You're a huge disgrace to the family!"

"Dad left because of you!!"

"You should've been the one who left!!"

As she got tired, I quickly ran through the door and got out of the house.

It was already midnight. I ran to the nearby park and sat on the bench.

Almost every part of my face have bruises and my lip was bleeding.
I got bruises on my arms and leg. My body was shaking like crazy but, I decided to ignore it anyway.

The night was so quiet,
so, I decided to play some songs on the radio while crying on the bench.
I got onto K-Radio, my favorite radio site and heard the broadcaster said a few words before playing a song somebody had requested.

"this song was requested by papabearloveschicken09, Grow Up by StrayKids. Music cue!"

The song started off with a soft whistle and beats which is relaxing and fits with my current situation. But then, the lyrics hits me.

You fell down for a moment, it’s okay I’ll help you get up, did you worry a lot?
No no no it’s still your first time
That’s okay, everybody has been through this
Adults had it too when they were young
They’ve made mistakes and grew up with it
We’ve still got lots of things ahead of us
It’s all good, we’ll grow going through them, don’t cry

I was too focused on the lyrics that I didn't even realize I was already bursting into tears once again.

When we fall behind, we can take a break
You’re doing good, if it gets too hard
I’ll run with you, don’t worry
Get up and roll up your sleeves,
don’t give up

I kept on crying on this bench as the lyrics speak out my feelings.
I do feel like dying every day since nobody cared about my existence anymore.
It's like I'm in a crowd of people yet, invisible for everyone to see.

My mom was never like this before.
But, since dad left, everything changed and so do I.

Where's the old happy me?
Where did (Y/n) go?

Who took the old happy me and then replaced it with the depressed and miserable me?

But, that doesn't mean I should give up on my dreams. My mom can do whatever she wants, but I'm not stopping myself from becoming a singer.

I'm going to become a singer,
and like the lyrics had said,

"힘들어지고 지쳐도 포기하지 마
( Don’t give up though it’s hard and you’re tired )"



안녕, my fellow readers!
Thank you for reading this book and please don't be a silent reader ~

This is my first fanfiction ever so, I'M EXTREMELY SORRY IF IT'S A BIT CLICHE OR CHEESY. I'M NOT GOOD AT MAKING STORIES BUT LIKE I LOVE WRITING IT SO DONTBLAMEME. (also sorry for the grammar errors and such, english is not my first language)

I hope y'all will like this book!
I'm trying my best so ye

Now, I must go
Toodles ~

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