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"and the female singer of the year goes to (Y/L/N)!!"

I was shocked.
My hard work finally paid off.

After singing in the cafe that I used to work at, I gained so many followers on Instagram and people have been posting so many videos of me. They even did some covers on my song.

I made so many songs and I got so many viewers, I even got recruited by a music company and they're really nice people. I love working with them. They made good music videos for my songs and I got to collaborate with so many talented people.

After I mentioned Stray Kids being my inspiration, people started saying that I'm a Stay and also they've been guessing who's my bias. Honestly, I don't even know considering how they're all amazingly talented and their god-like visuals.

Stray Kids actually posted my song on their Instagram page. They wrote "You're our inspiration too! We love your songs!<3"

I literally screamed when I saw that they actually posted that. I've been listening to Stray Kids for a while and seeing that they noticed me, killed me.

Okay, now back to the music awards.

"and the female singer of the year goes (Y/L/N)!!"

I stood up from my seat and gave Momo's a big hug while I'm crying the hell out of myself. Momo's been my only family after everything that has happened to me.

I walked to the stage of BBMA while wiping my tears away. A guy gave me the trophy and I'm in complete shock.

I'm standing in front of millions of people there and also on TV.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is actually happening. I wanted to thank all of the people who's been supporting me after all this time. Momo, My ex co-workers, my music company, The people who's been collaborating with me, and For my beloved supporters all over the world. I really wanted to hug every single one of you and tell you all how much I love you and how thankful I am for making my dreams a reality. I love you all so so so much." I finished the last sentence with so many tears in my eyes.

I walked down from the stage and went back to my seat. Momo gave me a big hug once again and placed the trophy on the table. "I'm so proud of you, (Y/n). I knew you can do it. You're only 17 and You already achieved so many things."

After all of the event, I got back to my hotel with Momo. We're currently staying at a hotel near the BBMA with some other artists.

I changed to my pajamas and went on my phone. I just remembered I got an Interview tomorrow with James Gordon.

I did a quick live on Instagram to release my nervousness. Many people were congratulating me, and sending loves to me. There were some Stays on my live stream too. I talked about today's event and also, about Straykids. It's been awhile and I still haven't got a chance to meet them.

As I finished the live, I quickly went to bed and so did Momo.

I woke up at 9a.m and started doing my makeup for a while. I got a call from James and that he's going to pick me up at 11 AM because we're going to be doing a carpool karaoke.

[That picture on top is your OOTD]

I heard a car honking and it must be James, so I quickly ran out and went into the car that's already filled with a bunch of cameras.

"Hi, James! How are you?" I asked him and gave him a warm hug. He returned the hug and we started talking. He's very nice and friendly, It's like meeting a best friend after a long time.

We started singing many of my songs and went to a McDonald's drive through to buy french fries and drinks.

After a few songs, He started asking me with questions.

"So, (Y/n), I heard that a korean boy group called Stray Kids inspired you to be a solo singer?"

"Yeah, correct!"

"How does it feel after knowing that they notices you and actually wanting to meet you?"

"Woah, they wanted to meet me?"

"Yeah, did you see the show when I interviewed them? they said that they wanted to meet you. I'm disappointed that you don't watch my show, (Y/n)." James said while fake crying.

I laughed at him for a moment then I realized that Stray freaking Kids actually said that they wanted to meet me. WOW. I am NOT OKAY.

"(Y/n), Is it true that you can speak korean fluently?"

"I wouldn't say fluently, but I can speak korean."

"It will be easier for you if you meet Stray Kids then!" He said as he began to play a korean song.

It was 'Zion T - Yanghwa Bridge'
James said that He wanted me to sing this song and so I did.

I love that song since I heard Hyunjin, Jisung, and Seungmin sang that on a karaoke room. That 'apeuji sagwa' almost killed me.

"That. was. beautiful. You can literally do anything! Like me! We can conquer the world, (Y/n)! Will you join me?" James asked me with a serious face. I put on my serious face and agreed to join him.

Filming a carpool karaoke with James Gordon was so fun. I can't believe I'm actually doing this after watching so many of his videos a few years ago.

After it ended, I went to James Gordon studio to rest for a while after filming and waited for my manager to pick me up.
James walked up to me and whispered something, "Stray Kids is coming at 7, do you want to wait for them so you can meet them?"

It's currently 6.40 and I'm still waiting for my manager to pick me up, "I don't know, James. I hope I can meet them but I got another Interview coming at 7.30. Though, I really wanted to meet them." I said sadly.

James patted my head and cheered me up with his jokes.

It's really sad that I couldn't meet Stray Kids even though It's really close to meeting them.

My manager's finally here to pick me up and I said goodbye and thank you to James for today. He was really nice. I wish i can collaborate with him someday.

After all of the work for today, I went back to my house with Momo because we live together now. Momo went to me, screaming that I should look at my Email.

I opened my email and the first thing I saw surprised me, I got invited to perform at MAMA in Korea. And it's in 5 days.

Which means

I got to meet them!

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