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I almost dropped my phone to the floor after hearing Mr. West said that.

"I'm sorry sir. I think I misheard what you just said." I said to him, I mean this can't be happening.

"You heard me, YOU. SKZ. COLLABORATE."

I was shocked. Momo quickly took the phone out of my grasp and she talked to Mr. West happily until she finally ended it.

"Congratulations, (Y/n)!" Momo said as she gave me a hug. I'm still not moving because of the news I just got.

"Why me? Out of so many artists who wanted to collaborate with them, why me?"

"Don't say that, (Y/n)! You're clearly an amazing person! That's why they wanted to collaborate with you. You guys are going to be a living legend." Momo said with sparkling eyes.

I saw my phone lit up and there was an email from Yoo Jaesuk, the MC in Running man. He said that I'm invited as a guest star in their next episode. I quickly said yes to their offer and closed my email.

I opened youtube and saw so many videos about me and SKZ.

Most of them are about the collaboration and some of them are about my personal feelings to Han Jisung. Ugh, gossipers.

I scrolled down Youtube and saw a video "(Y/L/N)'s trying to take Han from the group"

That's just ridiculous. Am I the Grinch or something?

I scrolled down to see the comments and most of them are declining the content but some of them are agreeing. People are saying that He's just the person I looked up to and besides, we never actually met before.

After all of that, I went to sleep because of tomorrow's shooting with Running man.

"Let us welcome our special worldwide guest star for today, (Y/L/N)!" Said Yoo Jaesuk welcoming me to the show.

I'm currently at a big green field with 7 members of running man. Yoo Jaesuk, Kim Jongkook, Kang Gary, Song Jihyo, Ji Seokjin, HaHa, and Lee Kwangsoo.

We had a lot of fun together, playing some missions pergroup. I got teamed up with Lee Kwangsoo and Ji seokjin. We did the "Feel-Touch-Cross" sign. It was so fun being a part of them. It felt like I've known them since forever.

We did the challenge that puts some water in your mouth and you have to make the person laugh and spit the water in their mouth in order to win.

It was my turn and HaHa was going to be my enemy. We looked at each other face to face. I was good at this game and I know he was going to lose this challenge. Until, this one person ruined everything.

"Imagine you're infront Lee Know." Lee kwangsoo said to me as he continued cheering me up. I burst the water out of my mouth and to HaHa's face. I lost.

"Dang it, Kwangsoo!!" I punched him playfully. "I thought it was going to make you win, (Y/n)! Because there's no way you would spit water to Lee Know's face." Kwangsoo laughed after saying that.

"I think next time, we have to invite Stray Kids to running man." HaHa said after he gulped down the water that was in his mouth before.

Did they like, stalk me before inviting me here? They even know I love Stray Kids.

I felt embarrassed for a moment because I know that this was going to be posted all over the world to watch. 'Ah! Why did I do that?' I asked to myself.

After a few missions, the show's finally over and I was very tired of running away from Kim Jongkook. But, I got captured anyway. He ripped my nametag like there was no tomorrow.

I sat on the meeting room with Ji Seokjin and Yoo Jaesuk because they said they wanted me to join them.

I saw Seokjin dialling someone on the phone and Jaesuk waiting for the person on the phone picking up the call.

Then, the person picked up. He sounded familiar.

"Hello?" The familiar person answered.

"Oh! Finally, you picked up, Bangchan!" said Yoo Jaesuk happily.

It was Bangchan. Holy. Fudge.

"What's up, Jaesuk hyung?" Jin asked.
"I'm going to invite you all Stray Kids for running man on episode 500. Are you all interested?" Jaesuk asked them eagerly then looked at me, giving me a wink. What?

"Yeah, sure! We'd love to! We always wanted to be on running man!" He said happily as I can also hear the other members screaming happily on the phone. I guess they must've put the call on speaker mode.

"And (Y/n) will be the guest star too!" Said Jaesuk.


I'm going to be on Runningman with Stray Kids?

Am I dreaming?

"Really? That would be so amazing! We always wanted to meet her and Han said he really can't wait to meet her too! He's a big fan." Bangchan said.

"Yes!" I heard Han's voice from the other side.

"Really? That's great! The episode will be shoot next week so, prepare your strength to run!" Jaesuk laughed.

As the conversation goes on, I still can't believe I'm going to be on Runningman with Stray Kids. Also, don't forget I'm also going to JYP building tomorrow to start the collaboration.

All of this felt like a dream.

and I don't want to wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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