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I finally arrived in South Korea and there are so many people screaming my name at the airport. I wanted to go and give hugs to all of them but I can't. There are so many security guards so I can't easily reach out to them.

I went to the car and I was greeted by a beautiful girl,

"Hello, (Y/n). I'm Yeong Mi, I'm going to be your personal assistant for your stay in South Korea. If you need anything, You can call me anytime."

"No need to call me Miss, Just (Y/n)." I smiled at her as I shaked her hand. She seems nice.

After arriving in the MAMA, I was surrounded by many stylist and makeup artists. They gave a cute white dress with a light makeup and style my hair to be more longer.

I sat on the seat that was reserved for me at the MAMAs and saw Stray Kids performing live for the first time.

They were performing I am You and N/S. FINALLY, I CAN HEAR WOOJIN'S "RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT SWAG ON LIVE" AND DON'T FORGET FELIX'S KILLING PART ON I AM YOU. okay, my fangirling ass has to calm down.

They were very into the song and I was so overwhelmed by their singing skills considering their hard choreography. Again, their voices touched my heart. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true.

After a while, It was my turn to perform.
I was singing my first korean version of my most popular song.

I was singing it with all of my heart.
I'm so grateful to be in here right now.

If I gave up then, I wouldn't be here by now.

I ended the song with tears in my eyes.
I saw most of the audiences also cried during my performance.

I went back stage and collapsed on the floor,
"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Yeong Mi asked me as she touches my forehead to check my temperature. I nodded and got up but slowly trembled and fell down again.

"Come on, (Y/n). Your body is hot. I think you're sick. We need to get you back to the hotel." Yeong Mi said. She grabbed her phone to contact all of the team to pick me up. "Wait.. I haven't met.."

Before I finished my sentence, I blacked out.

I woke up with the sound of people panicking. I opened my eyes to see it was Momo. "What happened to my best friend? Tell me!" She shouted to the nurse here and there.

"Momo," I called her. "Don't worry. I'm okay. It's just because I'm too tired and I needed a day off." I smiled at her as she looked relieved.

"Don't worry me like that, idiot." Momo sighs. "Did you see the news? It was all about you passing out. I thought something bad happened to you."

"Yeah, I know.. I'm sorry." I said to her.

After being scolded by Momo, I went to my phone and posted on twitter to make sure people that I'm okay.

I got a few days off in Seoul after getting out of the hospital and I heard that Stray Kids is going to be doing a Fansign in here. So, I decided to go to their fansign and disguise myself as a whole random person.

I wore a long brunette haired wig and a black sunglasses. As for the clothes, I wore a simple tee and skinny jeans. I told Momo that I'm going to go shopping but in fact, I'm going to go to Stray Kids's Fansign.

The building where the fansign's being held was filled with so many people. Like hundred of thousands. Thank God, Nobody recognized me.

I really can't wait to meet them in person. It's easier to meet them as a fan than seeing them with my true identity.

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