That's Not True

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The silver necklace that graces Jungkook's collarbones offer a safeguard from vampires and werewolves that heavily populate the city. He's mostly on his own, but no less familiar with the the things that lurk in the night looking to make him a meal. Silver is the typical source of protection for humans in the city. Necklaces and earrings like Jungkook's are everywhere, but Jungkook's silver dagger is less common. Nonetheless he feels much safer with it on his person. Especially when the sun sets. Even if he couldn't actually fight off a predator if it was determined or hungry enough, a weapon would hopefully convince most to look for any easier target.

The air is clean tonight and the full moon provides plenty of light. Jungkook doesn't feel all the worried. While Main Street is relatively abandoned, there isn't a sense of danger. Instead of the usually anxiety that falls over him, he is breathing easy. It's odd for Jungkook to feel relaxed whilst in a vulnerable time of day but he doesn't truly mind the ease of mind. Not until a pair of eyes catch his attention.

The glowing irises of any predator are hard to miss. A large wolf in the middle of a city street even more so. The yellow eyes dial in on Jungkook from three blocks away. The growl vibrates even to Jungkook's human ears. He's encountered werewolves before, but not in their wolf form. Not looking so animalistic.

Jungkook curses under his breath and darts down the first street he sees. He forces himself not to run, knowing that will encourage the predator to chase him. Turning so he faces where the wolf may come from, Jungkook continues to move back.

Jungkook hears the running before he sees the wolf prowl slowly around the corner. It appears to be stalking him, but at least it's not rushing him. Yet.

"Back off," Jungkook says loudly. The wolf huffs at his words but doesn't stop. Jungkook's backwards steps are as confident as he can make them. Until, of course, his back presses against something.

Jungkook spins around, realizing immediately that he hasn't run into a wall rather a person. He worries it may be another wolf, but the red eyes say otherwise. He moves to grab his knife but he's sent flying to the ground before he sees the vampire move.

"Move along wolf. This preys mine," the vampire warns. The wolf pauses, considering whether or not Jungkook is worth an actual fight. The sight of the wolf giving up should be a relief, but Jungkook's heart is still pounding. This vampire has him all to himself now.

Jungkook grabs his dagger, holding it tightly and ready to strike.

The vampire waits until the wolf is gone until he speaks again. "Put the knife away kid. We both know it wouldn't do you any good."

Jungkook's eyes are narrow, much like an animal in a corner. He is not about to become dinner for this thing in front of him. Not now. Not ever.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Come on." The vampire offers his hand to Jungkook. The human looks at it skeptically. The vampire rolls his eyes and grabs Jungkook, pulling him back to his feet. "Werewolves won't fight vampires over one human. Especially one as skinny as you."

"You seemed willing to fight a werewolf over me," Jungkook points out.

"I'd win. Besides, how much meat you have doesn't effect how much blood you have." he says. Despite his words, he doesn't seem interested in lunging for Jungkook's throat. "I'm Jimin."

"You're a vampire," Jungkook says flatly.

"A vampire who just saved you're life. I'll escort you home in case he comes back." Jimin guides Jungkook by the elbow. Jungkook doesn't want to go with him by any means, but the shorter is too strong to pull against.

"Why?" Jungkook finally manages to ask. He's never experienced anything close to kindness from something inhuman. He didn't think he ever would.

"I don't know," Jimin says. His shrug is forced and he refuses to look at the human. Jungkook can tell he's not telling the truth. "You're cute."

"Cute?" Jungkook replies with distaste.

"Yeah. What are you fourteen?" Jimin asks.

"I'm eighteen," Jungkook answers, fully offended.

Jimin shrugs. "Either way, it'd be a shame if you ended up werewolf leftovers."

"What is it even doing in it's wolf form?" Jungkook thinks aloud. Jimin's grip makes his arm bruise but he doesn't bring it up. For some reason he can't even bring himself to pull away from him.

"Probably got angry and shifted unintentionally," Jimin explains. "Their inner wolf takes over when they get emotional. Dumb animals really."

"I'd put your kind in the same category," Jungkook mumbles. Jimin scoffs. "You're both predators."

Jimin only smirks at the comment. It sends a shudder down Jungkook's spine and makes him wonder just how predator-like Jimin really it. The vampire finally releases Jungkook's arm and lets him lead the way.

It only takes five minutes for them to reach Jungkook's building. The entire walk Jimin was scenting the air and keeping his eyes scanning for any yellow eyes.

"I'm not inviting you inside," Jungkook states.

"I didn't expect you to," Jimin says. They've stopped outside Jungkook's apartment building, not even in the lobby. Jungkook doesn't want Jimin to even know what floor he lives on. He waits for Jimin to leave, but he doesn't budge.

"What are you waiting for?" Jungkook asks. Jimin is naturally alluring. If he wasn't a vampire, Jungkook would say the other his 'type' even, but all the younger can see is the eyes that previously glowed vivid crimson and the fangs that could tear into his skin.

"I did save your life," Jimin says. "A thank you would be nice."

"Really?" Jungkook says unimpressed.

"And maybe your number."

Jungkook eye rolls so hard he sees the back of his head. God this vampire is hitting on him.

"Thank you for saving my life, but I would prefer if we never see each other again. So..." Jungkook turns to go inside. "Goodnight."

Jimin is in front of the younger in a split second. Jungkook nearly stumbles back in surprise but Jimin catches him. If he didn't know any better he'd say Jimin was being genuine.

"I know I'm a vampire," Jimin begins, "and intimidating and not all that attractive but... I'm just asking for a chance."

"That's not true at all," Jungkook mutters. "You're very attractive."


"Yeah." Jungkook thinks he may regret this. Okay. He'll definitely regret this. Yet, he can't bring himself to reject the vampire. It's like there's some invisible force drawing him in. Jimin feels the pull a little more strongly, although he can tell what it is.

"Then give me your number?"

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