Early Morning Sun

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By the end of Taehyung's rut, Jungkook feels different. He stands in the bathroom as he looks himself over. He still sees the same face in the mirror, but there is an aura around him that makes him feel alien. He'd let Taehyung be possessive as he wanted. Which, unsurprisingly, was a lot. Jungkook's skin in covered in dark marks, particularly on his neck and collar bones and between his thighs. Most striking are the mating marks. Taehyung and Jimin's mark intertwine on the right side of Jungkook's neck. They'll be obvious to everyone who so much as looks in his direction.

The thought of belonging to Taehyung and Jimin makes Jungkook smile. He wants everyone to know how much his boyfriends love him and how much he loves them. Jungkook smiles and marches out of the bathroom. He could use some breakfast.

There is breakfast being made, but not by Jin. Jungkook has to do a double take. He's never not seen Jin in the kitchen when a meal is being made. Jin likes to cook for the pack. Loves it. And he's pretty great at it too. Jin is always there to make sure everything his pack is eating is acceptable. His absence leaves a hole in the house that even Jungkook notices.

"Morning Taeil-hyung," Jungkook greets the omega that seems to have taken over breakfast. "Have you seen Jin-hyung?"

"Morning," Taeil says politely. "Jin-hyung was in here earlier. He bailed like ten minutes ago. Wasn't feeling well. Probably went to his room."

"Ah," Jungkook says. He thinks back for a moment. He has a suspicion as to why Jin may have disappeared. "Thank you."

Jungkook opens the fridge and grabs a ginger ale before disappearing upstairs. He's only seen Namjoon and Jin's room once, but he remembers where it is. He hopes at least. Just in case, he knocks.

"Jin-hyung?" Jungkook calls.

"Come in," a shout comes in response.

Jungkook opens the door and closes it softly behind him. Jin is in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and looking miserable. Jungkook pauses in the doorway of the bathroom and holds out the can in his hand.

"I brought a ginger ale," Jungkook says with a small smile. "Figured it was, you know," he lowers his voice, "morning sickness."

"Yeah," Jin mumbles. He takes the can gratefully. "It sucks ass."

"Did you tell Namjoon-hyung yet?" Jungkook asks. He leans against the sink. Jin shakes his head as he pops the tab on the ginger ale.

"I'm still not sure how to," Jin says. He takes a sip of the drink. "We were trying for a while, and I- I just want it to be special. Since it's our first baby."

Jungkook smiles at the word. Baby. There's going to be a baby. Saying it out loud only makes it real. He loves babies. He thinks Jin and Namjoon's baby will be even more precious to him. He'll basically be the child's uncle.

"Any way you tell him will be special," Jungkook says. "It'll be fine hyung. Best to tell him soon so you aren't stressing over it."

"You're right. And he'll be able to smell it soon anyway."

"You can smell pregnancy?" 

"There's a scent change." Jin waves his hand dismissively and takes another drink. "Pheromones and shit."

Jungkook nods to himself. He still has a lot to learn about werewolves. And vampires for that matter. Even though most humans are familiar with vampires and werewolves and the basics about them, most of the details aren't important to them. The only thing Jungkook cared about for most of his life was the fact that they couldn't touch him if he was wearing enough silver.

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