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I sat Next to Coco And Mr.gallant who kept giving me a creepy smirk . "take a picture it'll last longer" i hissed rolling my eyes, as the man across from me chuckled. "I don't believe i introduced my self im Andre Stevens and my mother is Dinah Stevens"' he said with a smile "i believe ms.venable said my name but I'll introduce myself Ravanna Dahlia" he chuckled.

When a trolley rolled into the room. I looked up at the ceiling and the surrounding areas taking in the details in the room ."Only half a cube?" coco sounded like a prissy princess throwing a fit, the whining she gave into the room echoed in my head like and annoying buzzard "this will be our last Breakfast and if conditions don't Improve you can count on receiving less and less so i suggest you enjoy what you are given " ms.venable Hissed. "well we have more mouth to feed with gingersnap over here" Mr.gallant gestured over to me "have some respect Mr.gallant" ms.venable said "shes the key to our survival, the co-op sent her so don't be disrespectful to someone who might be the purest thing in the stingy room" she hissed again, everyone eyed me as if something switched in their attitude like they wanted to gut me. i wouldn't blame them ms.venable made me sound like i would be the only one who has a chance of surviving.  "this is insane! we're just waiting to find out how we die!" coco whimpered again , "i say we take our chances out side" Mallory said as everyone agreed i cupped my ears slightly, something felt wrong i felt everything in the room the fear the anger. "you know what fuck this!" mr gallant stood up and Frisbee style threw his plate into the air it smashing against the wall causing me to yelp  out, miss.venable;s greys picked him off the floor and drug him off, to god only knows where,

     my head ached as i rubbed my temples as red sirens began to blare into the room making my head throb and beat against my skull. like the worse migraine Ever "there's been a Breach" said ms.mead as she and the other greys filed out of the room as the alarms died down everyone began to dig in their cubes i ate slowly my head still throbbed as i rubbed my Temples, "are you alright gingersnap?" Mr.gallant's voice chimed into my head i turned my head and scowled "my name is Ravanna, use it in stead of gingersnap" i hissed "i think i read a quote that fits Ravanna " Andre said "shes both hellfire and holy water the flavor  in your mouth that taste depends on how you treat her" he added with a smile, i think i found my New best friend i doubt that i ever had one. when everyone finished we returned to the plush purple couches in the library, contemplating  whether or not we all were actually ready to die instead of me sitting on the couch i sat on the floor by the fire that illuminated the room with a dim red and orange glow.

 i heard the familiar sound of a cane that  echoed hallways but something felt off there was a darker presence now, i stood slowly turning My back to the fire the warmth of it rising on my back. my red hair cascaded down my back like a red water fall "residents of Outpost 3 this is Mr.Langdon, i suggest you get used to his presence  he will be monitoring us " ms.venable stepped to the side as a tall man with long dirty blonde hair and a red suit stood there, he looked at everyone with half hearted smile he felt off malevolent even, he looked up at me his smile changed to shocked expression his eyes wide, my vision blurred my head began to throb "Rav?" coco's voice was distorted like a broken music record  i blinked and everything hazed before everything went black, i heard the distant screams from everyone.

Silently i walked the halls of and unknown building 'how'd i end up here i was just in outpost 3'  i was confused the long white halls felt familiar i looked down and i was wearing a red dress skin tight showing my curves as i entered a larger room. A man stood in a black tux looking like langdon the new guy or something. Stood by the fire place he had shorter hair and looked slightly younger " hey gorgeous " he said softly "do you remember this mansion?.. where we first met. " an concern look flashed on my face i was confused and i think he has the wrong person "of course not" he said now in front of me cupping my face "they erased my darlings memories you have no recollection of me. " he sounded sad. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Lets dance" he took my hand i didn't want to but i had no choice my body was moving on its own we began to dance spinning around to room his eyes never left mine. "When i saw you there i couldn't believe my eyes, they told me you were dead" he said softly resting his forehead against mine "Who?" I said meekly. "Your aunt and the council" he looked down at me "what council?" I raised my brow his jaw tightened and he picked up a small tray and threw it at the wall shattering the tray i jumped back " they really must hate me by the way the pried something out of my hands..the only thing that made me happy! Why, why!!" He screamed he turned he frowned and dropped to his knees crawling over to get closer to me And wrapped his arms around my waist "please..please come back Anna..come back to me" i rubbed the back of his head looking up seeing myself in the mirror. But it wasn't..me hugging Langdon. It was me in a red dress hair up and a golden mask on "go back" the woman  screamed that echoed through out the room

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