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as i laid there i stared at the ceiling humming softly "One after another, they always come and gone So what if I'm the monster that's been here all along? so used to goodbyes there's Comfort in the sound They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around  Maybe I'm the monster that's been all here along" i sung softly Michael chuckled over hearing my Singing "still Singer i see" he chuckled i shrugged "im not sure about that" i said turning around seeing a working laptop "whoa! where you get that"i sprung from where i was laying only to be frozen in place "stop you know i cant show you these" actually for you advice mr.langdon i don't know So without a further ado- i lifted my right hand if flicked my index finger  up and the laptop spun around to Face me he glared as i made it levitate over to me as  he stood to grab the laptop midair as i pulled the same trick he did where he was frozen in place as the laptop Slowly rested its self in my arms "Your not the only one with tricks my  love" i smirked as i Admired the piece of metal that i held before a strong force jolted through the air sending me flying into the bed dropping the laptop but i never heard it hit the Ground i tumbled off the Side of the bed and gasped
"HEY!!" i said peeking my head back up

"i warned you" he placed the laptop back on the Desk he leaned over the bed placing a hand on my cheek "Lucky your Powers are prevailing" Michael cooed i stuck my tongue out "careful Darling you might lose that tongue" he smirked i narrowed my gaze at him as he helped me stand "dinner is in a hour " he spoke softly  i stood and walked around bed as i approached the laptop once again as he spun me around and cupped my cheeks "You know that you are so persistent, but if you see what is on my laptop i will have to kill ya" i open my mouth to say a snarky remark before i was plucked once again by my thighs and tossed like a Rag  doll on the bed "HEY again with the throwing!" i squealed loudly as i hit the pillows "stay and be a good girl that i know you can be even though you so freaking hard headed" he said walking back to the desk "fuck you" i mumbled out as  i pouted like a child "i heard that" he said waving his hand at me as he chuckled sitting down

i mean fucking him in general might be fun, maybe he would be the one to take my Virginity who knows all i know is that now im craving his warm hands against my petite body 'i heard that to'

i blushed and turned to him as he smirked behind his laptop and i buried my blushing face into his pillows hearing his laugh made me smile a small bit

after our little Reunion in his room i snuck myself down the stairs the the dining room seeing every-ones eyes lock on me "what is it something im wearing ?" i raised a brow they all seemed to chuckle as i then suddenly arms around my around my body "thank you , so so so much Ravvy you saved mine and Tim's life " i heard Emily's voice Coo as she sniffled i patted her back as  she let go she moved back to sit down  i sat down next to her and Andre as he kept staring at me like i had snakes in my head "what?" i raised a brow "your  shoulder it has a burn mark," i waved my hand Dismissively "i did it to myself  i was bored so i took a round metal object and held it over the fire to brand myself" i chuckled "why did you do that?" Andre furrowed his brows  taking a few bites of his Vitamin Cube

"i was bored, when your trapped away 24/7. you tend to find comfort in the weirdest things " i rolled my eyes as i shoveled my cube down. he chuckled " i guess that's true i meant Mr.gallant has started to see things " Andre teased as gallant flipped him off. by the time the conversations had finally came to a stop everyone stood and traveled their Seprate ways  to go about there evening. as i traveled down the Passage way to the library when i saw mr.langdon and Ms.venable talking before he waved his hand dismissing her i watched langdon go into his office as i contemplated the fact of me following him i twisted my lips

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