⚠ 14 ⚠

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after my strange situation with my grandma i had headed down stairs hugging Cordelia before i left,  i ran down the steps nearly tripping because of the heels i was wearing. and jumped into the limo, and when i say jumped, I jumped!

when we get there i looked up at the building that clearly used to be a mansion Within the buliding  the walls stood up right, and bricks meet neatly the flooring was firm as silence laid steadily against the wood and stone in the foyer my  golden mask made the light bounce off and Sparkle in all different directions like we were in a room with an indoor pool. " hey Red Devil" i heard i fimaller voice echo behind i turned around seeing a 6'5 17 year old named Damien "oh my god! Is that who i think it is?." He chuckled and folded his lanky arms around my body.

Damien and me practically grew up with eachother back in Utah. His mother and my mother worked together in the bank. Funny thing is our dads were best buds to. "Fours years! Four years" he sighed shaking his head i raised my brow "sorry. Its been a long time since I last saw you and you look amazing you don't look anything like your mother but you have your father's hair but it seems like you were just spawned out of thin air of because of how God damn beautiful you look" he said pulling away and spinning me to look at my entire body which made me feel extremely awkward. " what about you Damien last time I saw you I was taller than you and you still had those glasses that made you looks like you had bug eyes. And now you look like your a quarterback on a football team and you don't have glasses anymore, but you're still a nerd to me" i joked as he snickered "i am a quarter back in Granger high." He nodded " oh that's interesting how fun is that?" He shrugged at my question " anyways enough about me, how about you what are you doing here?" Some things don't change about Damien he never really liked talking about himself he never really liked talking about his accomplishments in life I guess that's what makes him so selfless how he cared about others and he rather put others first then himself Damien always such a sweetheart that way.

"Im here in favor to the Erickson family" i nodded seeing faye and faith walk closer to us as we spoke "oh cool me too me and my grandma are here as guests in favor of the erickson family. My grandma was friends with adalines mother and helped raise her"
I nodded "hello and welcome to tonights party" the twins said in unison" okay thats freaky don't do that" i said chuckling as they smiled "um whose this" faith asked gesturing to damien "damien Warren" i said "childhood friend" faye and faith shook his hand before moving on "their kinda scary" damien said " I can't believe you never met faye and faith" he shrugged "damien!" He groaned "i will catch up with you later rav, nan wants me. Coming nan!" Damien said rushing off to be with his grandmother who seem to be speaking with Adeline. I barely remember his grandma I remember her being a stuck-up bitch her name was up Rihanna nino she was from Spanish Heritage that wouldn't even be surprised if she had a bruja in her..

As the twins were wondering around greeting those in the party i had nothing to do so in
found my self at the diner i smiled seeing a plate full of donuts i plucked one up and dug into it it's been a long time since I've had a donut the last time I had one was when I was 3 now I try to avert them because we had doughnuts the night my mother passed

As I ate something caught my eye out of the corner of my right eye. I turned see what it was it was a man dressed in all black wearing a black mask, it was not on his face thought but it was around his neck as he fiddled with it, he had  strawberry golden hair it was short but long for the average male   and baby blue eyes. Then I saw a short woman approached him she had black hair and she was wearing the exact kind of outfit as him then I noticed something as i got closer

it was Miriam Mead! I blinked as I saw her to see if it was just my imagination but no in fact it was my reality I don't down whatever figure I was feeling I don't think it was from me though I think it was from the guy that I just brushed past but in all reality it felt like it was mine so."Ravanna Dahlia? Is that you " mead asked "ahah, you caught me" i smiled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me over to her little group. This woman was pretty strong especially for her age. " this is a girl that I was telling you about the one who defended me in the parking lot" the man looked at me. "Oh. Is that so" he smiled and lifted his hand up so i can shake it "I'm Michael Langdon"

"Ravanna dahlia" i shook his hand and smiled when i felt something..off..dark even.. the room spun as i looked up at him i pulled back "sorry germ phob" i chuckled he nodded "no worries" i looked around "so how do you know michael, ms.mead?" She smiled and the cleared her throat " I took him in as a stepson because he was left lonely in the streets" i smiled that was a sweet story. But i thought she was a satanist?. Maybe the religion has nothing to do with her personality..

"Um ravanna, your nose" michael gestured as i felt something hot run from nose i ran my tongue over my top lip tasting the disgusting taste of metal as i cupped my nose as i bled "oh sorry" michael waved his hand pulling his handkerchief out from his suit pocket and handed it over to me...i slowly took it as i had slew of questions run through my mind about how the fuck and why the fuck was he so formal. this kid had a handkerchief in his suit pocket! how strange..

I took the white cloth to my nose.
"Dance with him!" Faye's voice echoed in my head i tilted my head back as i looked around the room for her seeing her in corner watching us. When i felt hands on my elbows "don't do that you'll end up choking on blood" Michael said chucjling a bit i nodded and my nose stopped bleeding "um ill have this cleaned and brought back to you" michael waved his hand "kept it." He smiled and then looked around the room as if he was searching for someone or something,
I was looking down on at floor when I saw the glare that Faye and Faith were giving me, they had told me once and if they had to tell me again. I knew that they were going to come over and make me dance with them so I finally mustered up the courage,
  timidly playing with my fingers looking up at michael"u-uh would you like to dance " michael chuckled "yes i would. Ms.scared puppy" he said joking making me giggle we moved out on to the floor. Kitty my hands blocks with Michael  for a couple good minutes I felt the emotions of admiration and numbness it was a weird combination of emotions the numbness was mine but admiration was Michaels..

"How come you are wearing a mask?"
"Because its a masquerade party"
I chuckled and he rolled his eyes "i mean now with me, you see my bare face why can't i see yours?" He did make a good point he was the only one not wearing a mask right in front of me and he hasn't really seen my face other than me wearing a golden probably blinding mask and that's why he was asking that..
I moved Michaels hands to my waist practically pulling him closer as i felt his breathe on my face. I moved the mask on top of my head pulling my hair a little bit higher as if I was wearing a headband. "See you look much better with mask off"  i shook my head "thanks" he chuckled "no i did not mean it to be rude" he said as he spun me around turning me back to face him "i meant it like yeah the mask was there she looked pretty but now that i see her bare face she looks even better" i felt my cheeks heat up. Is this how he was with all the ladies. Flirting up a damn storm. He spun me omce more "your a fascinating woman ravanna.. I would like to get to know you more"
"Say yes say yes!!"  I heard faiths voice squeal into my head this time.

I chuckled "uh sure!" I said softly He nodded as we kept dancing the i was suddenly dipp as i squealed i felt michaels firm grip on my waist as my hair brushed the floor he pulled me up making me squeak again. Why? Ok. I was flustered to begin with but being tossed around like that kind of scared me I don't know what to do.. As i came back up michaels qnd mine noses brushed each others nose our breathes caressing  each others face. I felt My Heart Pickup slamming against my rib cage as my heart be 1,000 miles an hour like a bird was trapped in a cage.. "Your face is cute red" he said as the song ended i squeaked and covered my cheeks "sorry just not used to dancing with a male" i said chuckling feeling the heat of my face as i held my hands to my cheeks. He took my hands away from my pale cheeks and turned my palms to him as he placed a soft kiss on both of my palms. Feeling my cheeks heat up more "Now you truly have something to blush about " he chuckled as he moved away walking through the crowd. I watched him disappear through the wave of people as i coiled my hands back still baffled at what just happened.

As i became lost in thought as i over thought what just happened. Because I'm teenager and i do shit like that sadly. As i moved to go talk to faye and faith. I felt a hand coil around my upper on. "Ms.dahlia come with me" i looked up to see a man in a tuxedo and a full faced red mask. Before i could protest my arm was being tugged through the crowd leading me to a back room that was dark. The door shut behind us and the man who just brought me into the room gestured to a dark auburn leather chair. I tucked my hair behind my ear as i sat down. As a light that was really fucking brught flashed in front of my face causing me to wince. Why the fuck was their a bright light?, am i in a 1930 integration?

I rubbed my eyes as the bright light spotted my vison, "hello red nose" a deep males voice had echoed in the room but it sounded familiar. It sounded happy and warm stepping into my vison stood my father...

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