The Game Begins

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Kurt and Servais decoded a machine together in the small building near the hospital. Kurt was lost in thought, a look of concern furrowed his brow. "Something the matter, Kurt?" Servais asked.

Kurt blinked as he snapped back into reality. "Oh, nothing," he said. "I was just wondering where could Naib disappeared off to."

Servais shrugged. "Beats me," he said, typing on the keyboard.

"Hmm...," Kurt said as he shook the antenna and banged on the machine. At the corner of his eye, he noticed a black shadow whizz past the door behind Servais. "Woah!" he said.

Startled by the sudden cry, Servais failed the calibration and recoiled as the machine almost electrocuted him. "What? What happened?" he asked.

"T-T-There was something back there," Kurt said, pointing behind Servais. The magician raised a brow as he looked back. He saw nothing.

"What thing?" he asked.

"I don't know... but it was fast." Kurt nervously continued turning the knobs on the machine. "Did I imagine it..?" he mumbled.

It wasn't long before their hearts beat rapidly. They heard an eerie moan coming from the door behind Servais. "Run," Kurt said, rushing to the other door as Servais went through the window.

The creeping footsteps of the spider echoed in the building as Violetta followed the explorer through the door, gradually catching up on him.

Seeing that the spider was preoccupied with Kurt, Servais went back to the same machine and continued decoding. He heard pallets falling in the distance. "It's not safe, get away from me!" Kurt yelled.

Then, Kurt was incapacitated immediately after that. Servais gasped. "Did he get terror shocked?" he muttered, rushing outside in attempt to save him.

He hid behind a tree, not be seen by the eight-legged hunter. Violetta hummed happily as she tied balloons on Kurt and carried him to a rocket chair nearby. After securing him onto the chair, she spun her webs to set up a trap.

Kurt tried to struggle free but the wires and handcuffs were too strong. Kurt heart was beating fast as his breathing became rapid.

"Don't be scared," Violetta said in a sweet yet eerie tone. "I'm showing you mercy by not wrapping you up in my webs."

Servais peeked from behind the tree, waiting for Violetta to leave. She tied one last web on the ground and hummed happily before walking off.

When Servais thought the spider was far enough, "Now's my chance," he mumbled, stepping out of his hiding place. He flinched as a swift shadow appeared out of nowhere and dashed past him towards Kurt's direction.

The shadow had red streaks behind him as he flew past, reminding Servais of Naib.

Kurt yelped in fear and closed his eyes. He felt a gust of wind blow past him. He opened his eyes reluctantly as the impact he was expecting never came.

'It couldn't have been him,' Servais thought as he went up to Kurt, inevitably getting some cobwebs on him as he reached the explorer. The webs made it difficult to untie the wires, but he eventually did it. "Come on, let's get out of here before she finds us again," Servais said, carrying Kurt's arm on his shoulder to support him.

They hid behind a tree and removed the webs from their body. Kurt kneeled over for Servais to treat his wounds. "W-What was that just now?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know," said Servais. "It was too fast, I couldn't see it. But, it looked kind of like an animal. Like a wolf."

Meanwhile, Emma was running around carrying her toolbox. She searched for rocket chairs to dismantle. Then, she came up to one and went to work.

She was breaking the rockets off the chair when she heard an eerie hum coming from behind. "Why hello there little girl~" Violetta said, giggling in a creepy tone as she shot a web at her.

The web was caught in between her legs and it made it difficult to run. Violetta effortlessly caught up to her and whacked her. Emma limped away as fast as she could, but the webs were proving to be a challenge for her.

"Ahh!!" Emma screamed in pain as Violetta knocked her down. She held her head as the world around her spun.

"Don't worry little girl," Violetta said in her sweet, unsettling voice. "You'll be much more comfortable in a chair~"

Emma shut her eyes, waiting for Violetta to tie her with balloons. To her surprise, she heard Violetta shout in fear. She opened her eyes to see an animal on top of the hunter, barking fiercely at her.

As she looked closer, she realised that it wasn't an animal. It was a human, dressed in a wolf costume. He had light blue skin with dark marks over his body and face. He wore a dark hoodie which resembled a wolf and had shiny golden gloves on him arm, sharp claws at the fingertips.

"Ah! Help!" Violetta cried as the wild beast tried to claw her face.

The wolf-like human growled at her furiously as he slashed his claws at her. With all her might, Violetta pushed the violent creature away. It landed on all fours in front of Emma, giving Violetta a warning growl.

"W-Who are you..?" Emma said, slightly afraid but thankful for her saviour.

The wolf turned around and faced her. His red, glowing orbs met her dark green ones. Emma observed his features. Her eyes widened in shock as she realised who it was. "...N-Naib?!"


Thank you for reading~ ^o^

Don't forget to follow the awesome peeps of the squad~!
Gardener - luminescentie
Coordinator - MarthaBehamfil
Mercenary - Artist-Fantasy
Mechanic - TZYzOeY
Lucky Guy - starsglory
Doctor - DoctorDyer / __poppyseed__
Prophet/Fortune Teller - EchoJustice
Forward - _AwkwardLoser_

Geisha - Lollipop11213345
The Ripper - Achinubis
Wu Chang (Black) - Chocofunduk
Smiley Face - Siniora-Chan

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