Taming The Wolf

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Naib looked at Emma with glowing red eyes. Emma whimpered as she crawled back. "Naib.. wh-what happened to you..?" she asked, afraid.

Naib stared at her for a while before hearing movement in front of him. He turned back and snarled at Violetta who was getting away. He barked fiercely at Violetta as he pounced at her again.

He scratched her face and arms several times as Violetta struggled to push him away. "I surrender! I surrender!" Violetta cried.

When Violetta admitted defeat, the exit gates opened automatically, allowing the survivors to escape. Naib got off of her and glared at her with his bright, red eyes. He barked at her one last time before she fled back to the manor.

Emma trembled as Naib went back to her, he was walking like an actual wolf. "Uh.. t-thanks for saving me N-Naib," she said.

Naib got closer to her, a low growl escaping his throat. Judging by his angry eyes, he was not going to be friendly. "...Naib?" Emma said.

Suddenly, Naib pinned her on the ground. Emma cried in fear as she closed her eyes. Naib's mouth opened slightly, revealing his sharp teeth. Emma whimpered softly as she felt his heavy breaths on her face. 'He's gonna eat me, he's gonna eat me,' Emma thought, pushing her eyelids shut as she braced for the pain. She could feel puffs of air on her face as Naib sniffed her.

Then, he licked her face. Emma flinched as she felt his tongue slide across her cheek. "Ew...!! Naib! What was that for?" she said as Naib got off her.

Naib glared at her and snarled, startling poor Emma. "N-Nevermind," she said, afraid he would bite her if she argued.

"Emma!!" Kurt called from the exit gate near the small house. "Where are you?!!"

"I'm coming!" She called back as she stood, wiping the saliva off her cheek with a handkerchief. On her way to the gate, she noticed Naib was still back there, sniffing around like a dog.

"Um.. Naib?" she said, coming back to him. Naib turned to her and went to sniff her again. Emma took a step back as he got closer. "A-Are you not going back to the manor with us?"

Naib looked at her. He tilted his head as he doesn't seem to understand what she was saying. Emma stared at him nervously. She pointed at him. "You," she said slowly as she pointed to the gate. "Go back to the manor," she continued as she held up an okay sign. "Okay?" she said.

Naib continued looking at her, not understanding at all. Emma scratches her head and sighed. She took a few steps towards the gate. "Here Naib, follow me," she said, clapping her hands, as if she was calling a puppy.

Naib walked with four limbs towards her. As he took a step forward, Emma took a step back. Slowly, she led him to the gate where her teammates were waiting.

"There you are," said Servais impatiently when he saw Emma. "What took you so-" He gaped as he saw Emma leading a wolf-like person to the gate.

"...What is that?" Servais asked. Kurt hid behind him as Vera glanced at it curiously. Naib was calmly following Emma before his head jolted up. He whiffed the air as he smelled a scent of lavender.

He looked at where the smell was coming from and saw Vera, holding her perfume. Vera raised an eyebrow. "What?" she said.

Naib growled and barked at her fiercely. Vera took a step back as she flinched. Emma quickly held Naib back and stroked the fur on his hoodie, trying to calm him down. "It's okay, it's okay," she said softly into his ear. "They're our friends, see?"

Kurt waved timidly behind Servais who was holding his wand out in defence. Naib's eyes landed on Vera again as he snarled. "Care to introduce us to your 'friend', Emma?" Servais said cautiously.

"It's Naib," she answered, looking at them hopelessly as she tried to hold Naib back from pouncing at Vera.

"Naib?!" They said in unison. "W-What happened to him?" Kurt asked.

"I wish I knew," Emma said worriedly. She turned to Vera. "I think you should go to the manor first, he doesn't seem to like you," she said again.

"What? Me?" Vera said, pointing at herself. "Why would he possibly hate me?"

Servais, Kurt, and Emma stared at her and said nothing. Then, Vera remembered what happened during breakfast. "Oh. Okay, fine," she said as she exit the game.

When she left, Naib calmed down a little. Emma sighed in relief as she let go of him. He went up to Servais and Kurt suddenly, startling them. He sniffed their body as he circled them. Kurt would constantly step away, afraid Naib would suddenly bite him.

"He's really acting like a wolf," Emma commented.

Servais kept his eyes on Naib when he got an idea. He held his wand up. "Naib, look," he said, swinging his wand around to get his attention. Naib stopped smelling them as his eyes moved with the wand.

Servais tapped his wand on his palm and a bright red ball appeared. Naib growled softly, sitting down as he stared at the ball. "Fetch!" Servais said as he threw the ball near the small building.

Naib barked as he immediately went after it. Soon, he returned with the ball in his mouth. He set it down in front of Servais and stared at him.

Servais picked the ball up and threw it as far as he could through the exit. "Fetch!" he said again. Naib growled as he chased the ball. "This would be a faster way to get him to the manor," Servais said, chuckling at the sight.

"It's not nice to make fun of him," Emma said.

"Wha- I'm not making fun of him," Servais said nervously. He paused. "Okay, maybe I was, a little. But I didn't mean it in a bad way," he defended.

After a few seconds, Naib didn't return. The three survivors stared at the exit path for a while. "Why isn't he coming back?" Servais asked, slightly worried.

Suddenly, they heard a piercing cry in the direction Servais had thrown the ball. Emma gasped. "That's Vera!"

Kurt and Servais glanced at each other nervously as they exit the hospital with Emma following behind.


Thanks for reading! Have a nice day/night everyone~ ^w^
And don't forget to follow these beautiful people of the squad~!
Gardener - luminescentie
Coordinator - MarthaBehamfil
Mercenary - Artist-Fantasy
Mechanic - TZYzOeY
Lucky Guy - starsglory
Doctor - DoctorDyer / __poppyseed__
Prophet/Fortune Teller - EchoJustice
Forward - _AwkwardLoser_

Geisha - Lollipop11213345
The Ripper - Achinubis
Wu Chang (Black) - Chocofunduk
Smiley Face - Siniora-Chan

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