We Meet Again

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The next morning, William came out of his room and saw that everything was neat and tidy, unlike last night. 'This manor is full of mysteries,' he thought. When he got to the main hall, he noticed Naib was chained to a wall with a steel neck collar. Naib scratched the chain on his neck as it was making him uncomfortable.

"What is that?" William asked. Emma looked up from her food. She answered. "This chain was here since this morning. There was also a letter beside it, here," she said, handing the letter to William.

He immediately recognised the symbol on the sealing wax. It was from the host. He opened it up and read it aloud.

"Dearest survivors,
You seem to be having trouble with the new pet I gave you. Here's a chain to keep him under control.
I would like to advise you to refrain from having him on the team when you already have four players as it is unfair for my dearest hunters.
I'll let you off one time since you didn't know of his transformation. Be warned, there will be a punishment if this happens again.
Yours truthfully,
The host," he said.

William looked over to Naib who was twisting his neck to the side, trying to get the itchy chain off. "So the host was the one who did this to you," William muttered, patting Naib's head. "Why though.." he said as Naib whined. He noticed an empty plate on the ground. 'That must've been his breakfast,' he thought.

Then, he went to his seat and enjoyed his delicious fried rice. As they were discussing about who wants to play the next round, Naib kept barking over their conversation. Kurt glanced at him. "Guys, I think Naib wants to play too," he said.

Emma shivered. "No, he mustn't!" she said urgently. "He nearly killed Violetta last round," she went on. "I think it's best he stays in the manor..."

"Good idea," said Servais. At the end of their discussion, the survivors finished their meal and went to their rooms.

That afternoon, William stayed with Naib to keep him company. Naib whined as he kept shaking his head, causing the chain collar to clang.

"Sorry about that bro," William said, patting his furry hoodie. "We have to keep you on this chain so you don't go crazy and make a mess... and possibly bite us."

Naib growled softly at him, as if he was trying to say something. William couldn't understand and he continued patting him. Since he had nothing to do until his match that night, he decided to play with Naib for a while.

He took the red ball Servais had made and threw it near the wolf. Naib barked excitedly as he kicked the ball around, but he couldn't go far thanks to his chain.

William sat at the opposite end of the room. He threw the ball at Naib as he caught it midair with his mouth. Naib pushed the ball back to William and they continued playing like this until William eventually fell asleep.

"William, wake up," Emily said, shaking his shoulder. William opened his eyes and looked around, confused. He yawned. "What time is it?" William asked.

"It's time for our match," Emily said as she crossed her arms. Fiona and Margaretha were behind her, waiting for them to leave to their game.

The sleepiness in William vanished as he quickly stood up. "Already?!" he exclaimed in surprise. Naib's eyes opened slightly, but he laid still on the ground, seemingly still asleep.

"Shh!" the girls said.

"You don't want to wake him up!" Emily whispered.

"Sorry," William whispered back. "Let's go then."

With that, they left the manor and shut the door behind them, leaving Naib alone in the main hall. Naib's eye opened again when he realised they were gone. He felt a strong urge to protect them.

He went to the door only to be stopped by his chain. He let out a low growl as he kept tugging hard on it. He grew angrier with each time the chain choked his neck.

He snarled. With his sharp claws and furious swipes, the chain finally broke. But the itchiness from the collar around his neck remained. He snarled as he left the manor, the broken chain clanged behind him as he ran on four limbs.

The round had just started as William was decoding a cipher machine near the back gate. He heard chains clanging and fast footsteps getting closer from the other side of the gate. He stared at it, perplexed.

Suddenly, Naib jumped over the wall and into the Arm's Factory. He growled when he saw William and charged at him, tackling him to the ground. The machine buzzed when he was knocked down. "N-Naib, What are you doing here?!" William said in surprise.

Naib growled softly as he pinned William on the ground. He whiffed the air as his head jolted up. Naib glared straight ahead and growled angrily before running off.

William got up and scratched his head. 'What happened to him?' he thought.

Jack wandered around, admiring his new foggy claws. "These new powers are pretty cool," he said to himself. He smirked. "Can't wait to try them out on a survivor."

Then, he heard chains clanging behind him. He turned around and saw a wolf charging straight for him. It's glowing red eyes glared with fury as it sprung at Jack.

Jack stepped to the side, causing Naib to miss. Before Naib could land on the ground, Jack grabbed the chain on his neck. Naib whimpered as the collar choked him.

Jack carried him in the air with the broken chain.  Naib growled viciously as he swung his arms around in vain.

"Oh my goodness," Jack said, recognising his face. "It's really you."


Tysm for reading! :'D
Hope you're enjoying this so far, have a nice day/night~

Don't forget to follow the members of the Identity V squad by @MarthaBehamfil~!
Gardener - luminescentie
Coordinator - MarthaBehamfil
Mercenary - Artist-Fantasy
Mechanic - TZYzOeY
Lucky Guy - starsglory
Doctor - DoctorDyer / __poppyseed__
Prophet/Fortune Teller - EchoJustice
Forward - _AwkwardLoser_

Geisha - Lollipop11213345
The Ripper - Achinubis
Wu Chang (Black) - Chocofunduk
Smiley Face - Siniora-Chan

And our new members~ ^w^ :
Dancer - 1ChainedToTheRythm1
Mechanic - nizons
Violetta - PichetPlykum
Wu Chang (Black) - JaeAndLex (Lex)
Wu Chang (White) - JaeAndLex (Jae)

(Not sure how new you are cuz I just checked @MarthaBehamfil's profile and saw a bunch of new members XD
A big and warm welcome to you anyways~)

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