Ch 32 - Pack Meal Moments

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Copyright VedaPettigrew

Dominic called everyone to attention while we were still in the foyer and introduced me, announcing my rules for the second time. He had made them public knowledge when I was on the training post but after his father's blatant disregard he felt the need to clarify them once more. When he was satisfied they were properly understood he led half the men to eat while the other half went to have drinks in the meeting room.

The women all went to the dining hall and stood around the edge in the routine I despised but could do nothing about yet. When the omegas ran to the kitchen to start bringing through the food, I followed them.

"Luna, what are you doing?" Lana asked in surprise as she saw me picking up one of the tureens.

"Bringing this through," I answered as I started carrying it. All the women looked at me in surprise as I entered the room and put the dish on a table, turning and heading back to the kitchen to gather another.

Once the dishes were all set on the tables I went to Dominic's side and served him a large portion. My hands shook with nerves as I felt every eye upon me but I tried to appear confident, I didn't want to give a bad first impression. He waited a beat then murmured his thanks as I backed against the wall but my attention was taken up by the way everyone watched me in disappointed silence. My heart sank, what had I done wrong? I must have missed something.

After a brief pause, clattering spoons and plates broke the moment as the omegas moved in to serve the other men. I frowned as I looked to Joan, "Any idea what that was about?"

"I think the women were expecting to see your box routine. You know, where you'd bow and he'd kiss your hand. Everyone I've spoken with has asked me about it. Apparently all the warrior's mates couldn't stop talking about it."

I flicked my gaze to Dominic, did he feel that way too? Surely he couldn't expect me to bow to him now? He must know I did it out of respect, a respect that had sadly faded. I made sure my mind was closed and vowed to myself that if I ever bowed to him again, it would only be after he had truly earned it.

Once his plate was empty Dominic looked hopeful for another course but when he realised nothing else was forthcoming he stood and looked over to me, waiting. I gave him an imperceptible nod and his eyes warmed as he strode to me with a loving smile. "My thanks for the meal Luna," he caressed me with his eyes.

"I shall pass on your gratitude to the cooks," I smiled back, wondering if I looked constipated with the effort. Next to him I felt so clumsy and awkward, he always seemed at ease and in control. He stood in front of me for a moment longer, inhaling my scent deeply as he scanned my face before a final nod and turning and striding away.

The next sitting went quickly as I was lost in thought. I loved the way he looked at me as if I was the only person in the room, I couldn't deny it was a compliment. He was trying, it was easy to see, but I still felt resentment swirling through my body. Right now it was impossible to imagine getting past it, but I knew I had to. For us to work, I had to put it behind me, I wanted to be happy. I gave him the chance, but I had no idea how to empty the vortex of anger and irritation.

Please help me Ori. I can't do it on my own.

When it came time for the females to eat I looked around the room critically. By my calculations we were forty seats short of the one-hundred and ninety females present. There were enough tables though, two spare ones sat at the edge of the room, but no chairs. Suddenly I remembered that the meeting room had long benches all around the edges.

I flicked my gaze to Joan who stood by the wall, a resigned look on her face. As an omega she wouldn't be sitting until the next session. Anger spurted through me, this wasn't good enough. Despite thinking I wouldn't be making any changes straight away, I couldn't let one more meal go by with the poor lower females consigned to standing longer than was necessary. My back was aching already, theirs would be worse by the time they got to eat.

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