Ch 37 - Don't Bet with Sneaky Males

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

The tips of our ears tingled as they swept under Alarick's mighty chest. We were rubbing our sides along the back of his front legs, strutting to and fro underneath him while he watched us with wolfy satisfaction, head hanging upside-down.

Silver yipped excitedly, overcome as always by spending time with her mate. With a little leap, she managed to stroke her back along his chest fur. In fact, she rubbed her scent over every part of him that she could reach, while he watched in amusement, satisfied by her possessiveness.

Once she was certain that he smelt like us, she high-stepped to the front of his face and swished her tail in his nose as she paraded in front of him. A lazy giant paw reached out and splatted us to the ground, then the great wolf lay down with us trapped in between his front legs. Silver didn't wriggle or try to escape, instead she flopped over him, letting him know she was right where she wanted to be.

He bent his head and started grooming our fur, his long wet tongue swiped along the ruff of our neck causing Silver to growl happily and he took that as a sign to proceed without caution. His rough tongue licked over our neck, back and sides as he bathed every inch of us. Once he reached our tail however, teeth got involved. He started nibbling it tenderly as he licked us and we could hear his own thumping against the ground as he attended to it. I giggled at his strange fixation and Silver teased him by flicking it side to side.

He growled fiercely and chased it with his open mouth, clamping his teeth firmly around it the minute he could. Once it sat safely in his mouth he looked smugly at us, watching over our shoulder, gloating at his own achievement.

Silver yipped happily and tried to wag her tail as much as she was able, which wasn't very much, being trapped the way it was. A low and grumpy growl warned us to stop and set me giggling again, he really did love our tail.

Once he finally released it, after developing a weird lick and bite technique that meant he could clean it without it leaving the confines of his mouth, he continued with our bath.

Our fur got wetter and wetter and Silver melted over him, becoming so relaxed by his grooming, that she had as much tension as a rag doll. I was as serene as she was, until he dipped his tongue into her ear creating the loudest strangulated mewl I'd ever heard her make. He huffed proudly and enthusiastically continued bathing her ears, tail thumping like mad, while I sat back, face burning with embarrassment. Wolves really had no time for human graces.

Once she had been thoroughly bathed in his scent he nudged her side telling her to stand. She obeyed, trying to shake out her fur, however his saliva had completely glooped it together, so it just sort of stuck in place. We must have looked crazy with our hair sticking out at all angles, but the way he looked at us, so warmly and full of pride, made Silver tingle with pleasure.

I floated the idea of combing our fur against a tree so we didn't look quite so odd and she agreed, trotting happily to the nearest trunk and rubbing her side along it. However, a fearsome growl from Alarick quickly stopped her. She cocked her head his way as he pounced over to us and picked us up by the scruff of our neck as if we were a cub. Ignoring Silver's small grumbles, Alarick strode away from the trunk and dumped us on a grassy patch, looking down furiously.

"Okay, fine, we won't try and make ourselves look more presentable for you," I muttered through the mindlink.

Alarick's face softened as Dominic explained, "We thought you were trying to rub off our scent."

"No!" I protested as Silver leapt to her feet, jumping up to lean her paws on his shoulder so she could lick his face in apology. His tongue popped out and got hers first which led to a long and tender snuffling session, rubbing their noses together, licking and nuzzling each other with gentle longing.

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