Ch 40 - Conversation With Ori

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Copyright to Veda Pettigrew

I stood at the side of the dining hall putting all my effort into keeping my face a blank mask. I wanted it to appear as if I was daydreaming, mind in the clouds and that was why I wasn't looking at anyone. Which was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment, especially concerning one certain male, who despite not wanting to let me go. Did.

He'd led me to the side of the room, gently placing me against the wall while the omegas started bringing in the dishes. Uncaring of the fact that we were being gawked-at he lifted my hand and placed a kiss in the palm, delving his fingers into my hair and rubbing my cheek with the thumb of his other hand.

He was trying to soften the blow of yet again being pushed down and made to feel like nothing. All his words had been just that, words. This was not putting me first. Because we were being watched I hid the sick feeling and smiled before kissing his hand in return. Once I did, he went to the table, leaving me standing at the side.


As if we women had nothing better to do than stand around watching the men eat.

Irritation bubbled under my skin and I forced it down for the moment. This was not the time or place. I just couldn't believe after everything we'd experienced over the last couple of days, he would cast me aside like this. Though maybe I was at fault for expecting anything different. This was pack.

Pack. Not a happy place like it should be. I couldn't understand how all men could hate women with no cause. How did they justify everything they did? They were so out of touch with what they should be, it was laughable. Except that women rarely laughed.

I should associate pack with happiness, community, love, unity. But I didn't. Those associations were for men only, if they so chose. Eurgh. MEN.

Alarick's hairy face came into my vision, interrupting my reverie. It brought me back to the present and I realised I'd lost focus, I'm sure everything I was feeling had been broadcast on my face to the room had they cared to look.

Which my male wolf had, judging by the look on his face. I risked a glance at Dominic only to find his eyes fixed on me too, I guess my male human had also seen. Alarick stepped towards me but I turned my head, I wasn't ready to be analysed by this wolf. It was obvious he was coming to read me and I wanted to keep my thoughts private.

I checked to see my orange puff was still in place. It was. Which is why he was coming to try and look into my eyes and read me for his human. I kept my head turned, if I wanted Dominic to know my thoughts I wouldn't have hidden them behind the mist.

A soft whine wheedled into my heart and unable to stop it, my hand lifted to stroke the wolf from whom it had emitted. But that was it, I ignored him in every other way.

When the males had finished, Dominic stood and came to me. I carefully constructed a blank look, I didn't want to broadcast my hurt feelings to the pack.

"Etta," he murmured cupping my chin and raising my face. "What's going on?"

"Alpha," I said stiffly, "I hope your meal was to your satisfaction. Would you like me to pass on your thanks to the chefs?"

He frowned, searching my face. "I'm sorry that we couldn't eat together," he ignored my question. "Especially as I know how it feels for you now."

I summoned my best acting skills and shone him a bright smile, this was not the time to discuss anything. "I shall then," I answered as if he'd agreed my request. "They'll be pleased to hear it."

He looked pained but with hundreds of eyes on us, there wasn't much more he could do. I knew he wouldn't just drag me away, I trusted him not to belittle me in front of the pack. "I'll come and pick you up when you have finished your sitting. We can go for a run."

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