Ch 47 - Losing Something Precious

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

How did he know I was here?

The thought briefly flitted through my mind before something else took over entirely, something I couldn't control. The waves of power that rolled through the room, the ones that had already reduced everyone around me to the floor, did something unexpected to me.

I watched as almost everyone else cringed as they were smashed with each surge. The force of his command unleashed with each tide, coercing them to remember just who he was and how little defence they had against such a dominant alpha.

For me it was different.

As his power touched my body, little tingles began to erupt. They grew into crackling electricity as the power-swell flowed over and through me, sending fierce flames into the base of my belly. The raw display of his dominance was not something new, but it was the first time he had been so forceful since we reached the level of intimacy the last few weeks had brought us.

I noted there was not even the barest flicker of fear as I beheld my furious mate, instead my baser instinct responded with unexpected but passionate desire. It tore through me uncontrollably as each pulse of his authority pushed through the room, crippling me with its sheer intensity at seeing my awe inspiring male in this moment.

As I looked at the display he had unwittingly created for me, I was overwhelmed that this man was mine; his strength was unrivalled, the power he held was beyond what any normal wolf could hope to hold. He was all male, all alpha, and I could hardly fathom how he was mine. A girl raised in obscurity, not particularly strong or talented, but ordinary, nothing special. I found myself dazed by the wonder of my mate.

I was not the only one, Silver was panting at Alarick's feet as he rubbed his scent all over her, flicking his gaze constantly around the room, guarding what was his with jealousy. He pushed her underneath his body as he stood over her, crouched to protect. His muscles were strung taut, ready to pounce in an instant as his eyes were continuously moving, assessing the room.

I suddenly realised what motivated their anger. It wasn't just because of our disobedience. It was fear. For us.

I looked into Dominic's blazing eyes and saw it hiding far below the surface. He was striding towards me without slowing. Desire flickered through every part of me as I gulped. Dominic's harsh gaze flickered and heated slightly, he knew how he was affecting me. I took several deep breaths to try and cool my responses to him, this was not the moment.

"You're right, it isn't." His icy voice did nothing to reduce the feelings of desire for my dominant mate. It was instinctive, the wolf in me looking for the strongest male. And there was no doubt this was he.

A nagging thought pushed through - I was not going to see who was in that cell. There was no way Dominic would be calm enough to discuss anything in a place where I was surrounded by hundreds of desperate criminals who probably all hated him, even though his strength had clearly already defeated them.

Even as the thought struck I was in his arms being carried out at speed. The contact spiked the desire and I couldn't help but tuck myself into him. Mine.

"This tactic of yours will not work," he gritted out.

I snorted, choosing humour instead of anger. "Believe you me, I'd rather not be paralysed by this feeling right now. It is no tactic."

He growled and I writhed in his arms as the sound increased the sensuous tingling. "Stop doing stuff like that if you don't want me to feel this way," I moaned.

"I never said I didn't want you to feel this way," he raised his brow condescendingly, "Just that it wouldn't work to get you out of trouble."

"I'm not scared of you," I whispered in wonder. I would've been not too long ago but things had completely changed.

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