light before the dark

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"Please, you have to... you have to save them. You must save the children," The woman whispers with her last breath, looking up at the young mage who had rushed to her rescue only to be too late as a Templar ran her through. Gwen's hands were covered in the older woman's blood, watching helplessly as there was nothing more she could do. With as much respect as she could give, Gwen placed the body on the ground to turn towards the Templars who now coward in the corner of the burning room. Gwen's eyes flash orange, the fire in the room blazing brighter as it swallows the room whole. 


"So, who wants to be the one to inform Curly that there's blood magic involved?" Varric asks as the group approaches Skyhold, the dwarf looking towards the bridge that lead inside. Gwen lets out a sigh, feeling rather weary as they got closer, knowing for a fact that she was the one who would be the one to let Cullen know about the blood magic. They had chosen not to send letters ahead in fear of them being intercepted, so Gwen was walking into the war room with three very unaware advisers. Luckily Hawke and the Warden's had also joined the group on their journey back, the explanation of everything not falling solely on Gwen but she already could guess what Cullen's reaction was going to be. He was already weary of mages, Gwen knew that... which was why it still surprised her that he chose to overlook that aspect of Gwen when he admitted he cared for her. 

"I believe that's something we can handle in the morning, we'll reach Skyhold just after dinner and I don't think anyone is going to be up for a debriefing until we've all gotten a full night's worth of sleep," Cassandra says, always seeming to be the voice of reason as they continue to walk. 

"Do you truly think they'll be patient enough to wait until morning?" Gwen asks, Cassandra shrugging with the same exhausted expression as Gwen's on her face. 

"They're going to have to be. Knowing them, they'll want to lay out the entire battle plan the moment they have all their information and Inquisitor, you haven't been sleeping the entire journey back," Cassandra says, a very pointed look on her face now and Gwen feels her cheeks light up. She hadn't realized her nightmares had been keeping people up, but she knew that was a stupid thing to assume for the main fact that she often woke up screaming. It was another reason why she was glad to be back at Skyhold, among other things. 

"They'll want to speak to us," Gwen points out, Cassandra shrugging again. 

"They'll wait, Inquistior, especially when I insist that no one bothers you until you've gotten a full night worth of sleep." 

"I doubt Curly will simply let her pass by," Varric says, the comment quieter than Cassandra's scolding but it was loud enough for at least Gwen and Dorian to hear. Dorian and Varric share a grin when Gwen starts coughing, having had her breath catch in her throat and now her cheeks were probably beet red now instead of just the light blush from before. Everyone falls into a silence for the rest of the journey, walking through the front gates of Skyhold just after dinner as Cassandra had said they would. Gwen makes her way to the stables with her horse only to be blocked off by Cassandra. 

"Straight to your quarters Inquisition, that's an order," The older woman says, earning a look from Gwen but the mage honestly didn't have the energy to argue with her. Gwen reluctantly handed the reins of the horse to Cassandra, grabbing her own pack before she makes her way up the steps to the main hall. She could still hear the dinner chatter, people's laughter echoing through the night as she walks through the double doors. No one pays any mind to her as she walks through the shadows, her dark armor making it easier to blend in. She was almost to the door when someone grabs her hand, the sudden contact making the young woman shriek. 

"Did you really think you could sneak past me?" Cullen's voice whispers into her ear, Gwen's heart skipping a beat because she had missed that voice more than she actually thought. She turns around, her blue eyes meeting those golden brown ones that instantly made her feel warm. 

"I... I'm supposed to go straight to bed, Cassandra's orders," Gwen manages to whisper out, looking behind Cullen in fear that Cassandra would appear out of nowhere at the mere mention of her name.

"And since when did you listen to what Cassandra tells you to do?" Cullen asks, a small smirk on his lips that Gwen couldn't help but giggle at. He was right, Gwen had always seemed to butt heads with Cassandra the most out of all of her companions, the seeker having specific ideas for the Inquisition that Gwen often disagreed with. 

"I don't, usually... but she was very insistent and if I'm completely honest, I would like to get some sleep before tomorrow as it will certainly be a long one..." Gwen says, her smile fading slightly and Cullen catches onto the souring of her mood as her gaze is no longer fixed on him but somewhere far away. Cullen clears his throat to bring her back, Gwen's eyes snapping to his once more and she gives him a tighter smile. "Sorry... there was... The Western Approach was a little more troubling than we had planned." 

"You can tell me all about it with the other tomorrow, for now... Let me walk you to your quarters, m'lady?" Cullen asks, offering out an arm but Gwen doesn't take it. 

"I think I can manage on my own, thank you Cullen..." Gwen says, earning a stiff nod from Cullen who tries not to take it personally. She looked exhausted and obviously wanted to be alone, but that didn't mean Cullen felt any better about the rejection. She places a soft kiss to his cheek when she's certain no one is looking before she finally retreats back to her quarters, leaving Cullen watching her as she goes and wondering what it was that was troubling her so. 

the mage and the templar (dragon age fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now