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Marry! My Black Horse (嫁!我的黑马) by Shi Xiao Zha 师小札- Chapter 73 Part 1
DA651115-C68E-452E-830D-84F5E36D24CAThe first thing you should do after being in relationship is winning the favor of each other’s parents, that way everything would run smoothly.
Fei Zi Nuo already twenty two years old, she was currently in her fourth-year as a university student, she was so busy for exam and internships matters. Luo Mu Er also studied in the military school, it was really strict so they could only meet up once every two weeks.
Every time they met up, Fei Zi Nuo noticed mysteriously that Luo Mu Er would grow taller than before. It seemed that he always grew up, now he almost reached one hundred ninety something, and she all along stayed at one hundred sixty two. So every time she needs to rise her up to see him, and he needs to bend himself and lower his head to kiss her face.
Their date’s location always arranged completely by Fei Zi Nuo, she is so expert in knowing of delicious restaurant. She took Luo Mu Er to restaurant by restaurant. Every time she would order a lot of food, and when she couldn’t eat it anymore, she would just pick some and feed it to him.
Regarding every matters, Luo Mu Er always in accordance with her as he just succeed in pursuing her after two years. Those two years was not really easy for him. He determined to pursue, watch attentively at her. He was afraid that other invaders will took opportunity to snatch her away when he was not paying attention.
(Especially that Lu Wei Yang, who was getting taller and handsome). His leisure time was really little so it was quite a great deal of effort to watch on her fixedly. Luckily, after a long days, finally he could win her over.
During the winter day, he even jumped inside the freezing cold river to swim, it just because her words: “Luo Mu Er, don’t you feel that you are so annoying. If you have so much free time then just jump inside the river and swim over!” And he really did it, he jumped inside just for her caring scream.
When she promised to be in relationship with him, she mentioned a thousand of conditions.
“Luo Mu Er, you are not allowed to talk with other women!”
“If there is a woman who strikes a conversation you, you should say that you already have a girlfriend!”
“On the street, you couldn’t look at other women!”
“If I want to eat something, you should immediately buy it for me!”
“It’s only me that have the right to be wrong. You don’t. It’s only me that have the right to be angry, you don’t!”
“You are not allowed to say that I am fat! Not allowed to say that I am chubby!”
….. (there are other 94 conditions)
This moment, they were chatting about whether they want to announce their relationship to their own parents. Fei Zi Nuo was somewhat restless because her father, Fei Jun, always declared that as much as possible she is not allowed to be in relationship during the university period. She asked him for the reason, then Fei Jun said: “A man just be mature when he reaches 25 years old, he could undertake responsibilities, and serious toward a man-woman relationships. Yet a man in university may only full of having fun attitude.”
Marry! my blackhorse
ChickLitnot mine!!.. save for offline reading puposes only.. credits goes to the translator.. dont read this to avoid confusion . gonna delete when finish reading