tell me you'll be there in the morning
to stroke my hair
my head rested on your chest
as I pace my breaths
to the steady beating of your hearttell me you'll be there in the afternoon
to take our breaks to be together
as we wander aimlessly
soaking in the warm rays of the sun
hand in handtell me you'll be there in the evening
to dance when we cook
sing as we clean
and share heartfelt glances
across the dining tabletell me you'll be there at midnight
to cuddle together
as we kiss on the lips
to gaze lovingly at me
the same longing look I give youafter you left me stranded
she had to be worth it
so tell her you'll be there tomorrow
to do all the things you promised me- aj

tainted souls ✎ poetry
Poetrydedicated to the good, the broken and the undeserving a book of my poetry trigger warnings will be placed in chapters if needed - aj