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Happy Birthday DESNA!

After the guild disbandment and working for Sorcerers Weekly Lucy had pulled herself back togetherslowly. Although given her current employment it was easy for her to not only gain information about her former guild members but also to gain contacts all over the country. She worked her butt off in the first year writing everything she could that when her plan finally formed correctly she could propose her offer to Jason and their boss Mickey before putting it into action.

Even though she didn't have time to work on her physical training she continued to regularly meditate because then while away she could focus maiming on her body.

The time had finally come, her magic capabilities had finally risen to a safe point to hopefully complete the spell she had been working on since the disbandment of the guild. Her spirits had already warned her that spell craft was incredibly hard to construct and complete flawlessly, throw in this being her first attempt and not being a caster besides her Urano Metria, this was already looking to be a failure. However Lucy was not going to let that stop her because even if this didn't work she would find a way.

With her last belongings stored with Virgo in the spirit realm Lucy had already met with her boss and Jason, who luckily agreed this was worth her leave. There was supposedly from what Loke said a decent camp ground in the mountains by the Waas Forest that she could go for her duration, which was a grueling six month plan to take her body from soft and curvy to lean and strong. Of course this was going to be an extreme test of her own personal determination and motivation but nothing spurred Lucy on more than the thought of family.


Six months of her personal hell had come and gone within a flash, Lucy may have been chomping at thebit to get herself here but now that her training period was over, the uneasiness started to settle in her gut about the road ahead. Usually Lucy knew to trust her instincts, they did not usually lead her wrong but at this moment in time her impatience was getting to her. Maybe it was the old nickname messing with her, or her ability to somehow do the impossible that she was depending on, whatever it was Lucy decided not to wait any longer.

She woke up at the crack of dawn the morning of the spell, doing a short focusing meditation in the morning, and fueling herself with fresh fish and berries. If this all worked out accordingly she would have her friend within her grasp tonight. Lucy had chosen the most appropriate place to try her spell, a clear and free flowing river that ran near her camp, although much smaller than she knew her friend would prefer, the nutrient rich and unsoiled water was what she was depending on.

Taking a deep breath Lucy settled herself upon a large bolder that stuck out in the middle of the river, it's tides although much stronger than a creek lazily lapped at her legs. She had done as much research possible, wrote and rewrote spell upon spell until it flowed nicely. Checked and double checked with Crux to see if the true meaning behind her words would come through. Analyzed, over analyzed and reanalyzed other mage written spells to see the differences and similarities to her own. She screamed and sure cried, moaned and groaned but never once considered giving up.

This was her friend, her family, her second mother, this was her Aquarius and Lucy would be dammed to live out the rest of her life without her. Despite the harsh words, despite the fights, despite everything that they had ever gone through this was her first spirit and if Stach Face wouldn't either help her get her friend back or just give her Aquarius back then damn it all she would do it herself. Not that Lucy could blame anyone but she had already gone through her immediate family leaving her, her second family and friends left her (Not that she blamed them for want to adventure on their own), Lucy would not let her spirit family leave her if it was within her power to keep them at her side.

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