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It had already been a couple of days since Lucy had met up with Farron, a night she recalls very clearly with lots of heated details. So clearly in fact those were some of the memories coupled up with Bixy and Zen to keep her blood pumping and limbs warm as she climbed the steep slopes of Sanitatem Mountains right on the beginning mountain pass that borders Fiore like a tall wall. There is a single valley that cuts through the middle where all trade and passage comes through the two countries, Lucy could now understand why air ships are the most popular form of transportation in Bosco. All things considered Lucy found it humorous how Bosco was supposedly a country of freedom and welcomes all types of people or mages yet practically their whole border is mountain ranges. They sure make it difficult for people to travel in or out, getting around is just fine once you're in the actual country, it's the border that's the real trouble.

Gritting her teeth Lucy felt her foot slide as she was just about to reach the next little platform where she could rest and grab a quick bite. Taking a deep breath Lucy made sure her hand holds were secured before using a bit extra upper body strength to just pull her bottom half up without making her feet slide anymore. On her knees panting in pure exhaustion Lucy could not believe how far she had come on her own.

After a quick stop in her spacial room with a bath and cat nap Lucy made her way out to the next adventure. Luckily due to her geography lessons in the Kozern she had previously known about the mountain pass along Fiore's and Bosco's borders. It helped that technically she was already within the country and knew quite a bit on their culture and language. Just to say it was a country that completely enraptured Lucy's attention. Not wanting to even close to considered a cheater or anything of the sort Lucy had left her room right away to make her way from the closest town to the mountain base to make her climb up the side. In her years of being a mage Lucy had only even gone up two mountain sides, one to rescue Macao, the other was just to go over for a body guard job she couldn't remember much about. So to say this was out of her comfort zone was not an understatement at all.

Her spirits however did not let her down in the slightest even though they were currently not with her during this hike, Virgo had some mountain gear such as long celestial pants and top pre set out for her along with a beautifully crafted white fur lines cloak they had magic abilities that didn't let the wind whip it off when it had been pulled up, and Lucy's handy dandy bag, also provided by her spirts somehow was always equipped with exactly what she wanted when she needed it, such as snow shoes, rope, and wind goggles. The clothes were keeping her relatively warm, mostly just her fingers and face suffered the bitter winds and wet snow. Once her limbs got a good stretch and didn't ache as much Lucy pin pointed her next ledge with a little alcove tucked into the mountain side. Lucy silently wished on the stars that there wasn't a vulcan hiding in there. Some where from about here to the top of the mountain should be the start of the specific herb that lies deep within the Sanitatem range. Lucy had already slept in a little crack in the mountain, literally a crack barely big enough to fit her, filled with all sorts of creepy crawlers that made shudders run down her back just thinking about. With some luck, hopefully, this cave will be much more reasonable.

The winds started to get harsher and Lucy could spot the darker clouds starting to form over the mountain. Securing her harness and taking out both ice axes Lucy started her climb, the freezing rain started down when she had hardly made it half way up to the desired ledge, soon after that the rain turned to hail the closer she got. Winds whipped her hair back and forth in front of her face and made her sway harshly against the mountain. A startled yelp left her mouth as one brutal wind slammed her against the unforgiving ice covered rock wall, Lucy felt like she had gotten body slammed by Natsu and Gray both. Shuddering breaths puffed out of her mouth as her limbs started to shake, both from the cold soaking into her bones and the strain from pushing herself up against the weather too fast. Getting her bearings Lucy shook the daze from her a bit before yanking her right ice axe out, she was so close to the ledge if she could just get two more decent sized picks up she could grab ahold of her anchoring grappling hook and shimmy her way up like she did the last time. Before Lucy could wedge her axe back in a unreal strong gust of wind pulled her from the mountain side with a shriek, slamming her head first brutally back into the mountain. Between the dark edges of her gaze and the black spots dancing in front of her eyes Lucy could hear the rumbling of the mountain. That was one sound she wouldn't forget, barely feeling her eyes start to drop and her grip loosen the only though Lucy had was 'Oh Fuck'.

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