Chapter 7

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At your house~~


No One Pov

Y/n mom: Haisshh..where did she go??Its already 7:45PM..and she still not at home yet??*sits at dining table*

Y/n dad:Honey..cant you wait for her..I think she already on the way back home..*look at her wife*

Y/n mom:*pissed*Okayy...*look at her husband*


Y/n Pov~~

Y/n:Why traffic congestion now??!!!!*angry*

20minutes later..

At home~~~

Y/n:Finally...*enter house and parking the car*

Y/n:*open the door and go to dining room*

Y/n:Omma...Appa..Sorry I'm late*look at your mom and dad*

Y/n dad:Its okayy dear..Lets eat*smile*

Y/n:Omma..Appa cant you wait..I will change my clothes first*smile*

Y/n dad:Okayy fast okayy*look at you*

Y/*look at your mom and dad*

10minutes later...


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Y/n:*go downstairs and go to the dining room*

Y/n dad:Ouhh're here already..So lets eat..*smile*

Y/n:*sits at the dining table*

Y/n dad:So's your day today??*look at you and continue eat*

Y/ was very good day for me..*smile*I go to Namsan Tower with my new friend*look at your dad*

Y/n dad:Really baby??You're already make a new friend here??*look at you*

Y/n:Actually..I meet my new friend at convenience store yesterday..And today we meet at the cafe near our house*eat your food*

Y/n dad:At convenience store??Ouh..I remember your mom told me this morning you're going to story to us*look at your mom*..But unfortunately..I need to go office early today because I have an urgent meeting*look at you and smile*

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