Chapter 10

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At Y/n House....

No One Pov~~

Y/n:So what are you gonna ask??*look at Mina*

Mina:Urghh..Actually..I...I.. *look at Y/n*

Y/n:You what Mina??*confused*


Y/n:What??Sorry I cant understand..*eyes smile*

Mina:I said....I LIKE YOU....*shy and cover her face*I know you will never like me back because you're straight person*not look at Y/n*

Y/n:Who's said that??*look at Mina*


Y/n:I'm like both*smile*


Y/n:Do you really like me as a lover or friend??*look at Mina*

Mina:I like you as a lover*shy*

Y/n:Do you want to hear my answer??*look at pool*


Y/n:Actually...I like you too...NO I LOVE YOU TOO*smile and look at Mina*


Y/n:I Love you since we go to Namsan Tower*smile*Start from that day..I even dream about you..*look at Mina*


Y/n:so cute*whisper*

Mina:Whats did you say??I can hear you*look at Y/n*

Y/n:Nothing...*smile*So since when you like me?

Mina:I start like you when we meet at the convenience store..when I dont bring my money..then you pay it for me..*laugh*

Y/n:Haha..really??*patted Mina head slowly*

Mina:So Y/ you mind if we....*not look at Y/n*

Y/n:We whats??

Mina:We cou...ple??



Y/n:I'm sorry Mina...I..cant*jokes*

Mina:Ou..hh Its okayy...*sad and tears coming down*

Y/n:*look at Mina and shock she cry*Ehh why Mina...Why did you cry??

Mina:No..thing*fake smile*

Y/n:Okayy...Mina look*hold Mina chin*

Mina:*look at Y/n*

Y/n:I'm just joke about that..And of course we can couple..*hugs Mina*


Y/n:Haha..why did you cry Sweatheart*look at Mina*

Mina:I'm just happy to hear that..*look at Y/n*

Y/n:Haha..*continue hugs Mina while patted her head slowly*

*continue hugs Mina while patted her head slowly*

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