Chapter 49

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8AM in the morning...

At Y/n and Mina room..

Mina:*wake up*


Mina:*look at Y/n*I miss you Y/n..*caressed Y/n cheeks*I miss your kiss..*touch Y/n lips*

Y/n:Am I too handsome for you to stared??*smile*

Mina:*shock*Eurm..W-when did you wake up??*rubbed her neck*

Y/n:Eurmm..When you touch my lips..*smirk*

Mina:O-ouh..I will take shower..*get up from the bed*

Y/n:*hold Mina hand*Lets shower together??*smile*


Y/n:Wae??If we couple..You and I must already see each other body right??*smirk*

Mina:*run to bathroom*Silheo..!!*shout*

Y/n:Haha..*look at Mina enter the bathroom*

At kitchen..

Mina&Y/n:*enter kitchen*

Y/n:Morning unnie..*hug Nayeon from back*

Nayeon:*shock*Yahh..Y/n..!!You startled me..*look at Y/n*

Y/n:Hehe..Sorry..*eyes smile*

Mina:*look at Nayeon and Y/n*

Jihyo:*patted Mina back*Let her be..


Y/n:*put her chin on Nayeon shoulder and still back hug Nayeon*What are you doing unnie..

Nayeon:I'm cooking..*cut her finger*Auchh...

Y/n:*shock*You okay unnie..??*look at Nayeon*Let me treats the cut..


10minutes later..

Y/n:Done..*look at Nayeon*



Nayeon:*get up from the couch*

Y/n:*hold Nayeon hand*Where are you going??*look at Nayeon*

Nayeon:Cooking..*look at Y/n*

Y/n:No..Sits here..*sits Nayeon on the couch*I will cook..


Y/n:No but..Just stay here and rest..okayy??*patted Nayeon head*


Y/n:Good girl..*smile*I'll go now..*go to kitchen*

30minutes later..

[COMPLETED]Twice Mina- TWINS SISTER (MINAxFEMALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now