Chapter 16

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Meanwhile at Japan.....

No One Pov~~

Jihyo:*look at Mina*Mina-yaa..

Mina:*not hear and stare her phone*


Mina:W-wae??*look at Jihyo*

Jihyo:I called you..But you did not pay attention to me...*look at Mina*Why??Why did you stared your phone??


Jihyo:Whats wrong with Y/n??*confused*

Mina:She did not call me last night and today too..*sad*

Jihyo:Maybe she busy??

Mina:I think so..*sad*

Jihyo:Right now..I dont want you to worry about her..Maybe she will call you later..


Jihyo:Lets go..we need to go right now..Onces need us right now..*smile*


Back to Y/n house...

Maid 1:*enter Y/n room*Miss Y/n??


Maid 1:Are you feeling okayy now??*look at Y/n*

Y/n:I'm okayy*smile*

Maid 1:Did you call Miss Mina already??

Y/n:No..I'm not call her yet...I dont want her to worry about me...

Maid 1:Okayy Miss..*smile*Miss did you want to eat something??I will cook for you...

Y/n:Eurmm..can you make jajjangmyeon for me??I'm craving*eyes smile*

Maid 1:Sure Miss Y/n....*smile*

(skip...after eat)

At living room...


*Y/n phone vibrate<UNKNOWN NUMBER>calling you

Y/n:*accept*Who's is this??

___:Hii babe...


Tiffany:Hi babe...What are you doing??I miss you...

Y/n:Where did you get my number??

Tiffany:From you little brother..

Y/n:Haishh..that boy..

Tiffany:Heyy..why you so angry??You angry because you miss me??

Y/n:Stop it...

Tiffany:Ohh..come on babe..I really love you..I want to be with you again..

Y/n:Tiffany!!!I said stop it!!Why dont you listen to me??

Tiffany:Urghh...Fine..But listen this Y/n...If Mina can get you..Why dont I??Just wait okayy babe..

Y/n:Tiffany..You know what??When we at are the one who wants to break up with me..So why you want me back??

Tiffany:I'm really sorry about that Y/n...actually I really love you..But Amber said to me..If I couple with you..She will make you suffer..I dont want you to be hurt..

Y/n:So where is she right now??

Tiffany:She with another girl Y/n...She said she dont wants to be with me..

[COMPLETED]Twice Mina- TWINS SISTER (MINAxFEMALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now