Chapter 42

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At Inokashira Park...

Y/n:Mina-ya...I....*hold Mina hand*want you to wear this..*put the ring on Mina finger*

Mina:*look at her finger then look at Y/n*For what Y/n??

Mina:*look at her finger then look at Y/n*For what Y/n??

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Y/n:Staying by my side..*smile*Thanks for everything you give to me..I know this ring not expensive..*touch the ring*But I promise you..I will buy expensive one next time..*look at Mina*

Mina:No..Its okayy..I like this ring even though it not expensive*touch the ring*I dont mind it at all if the ring expensive or not..I just want your heart ONLY for me..And that heart...*touch Y/n chest*is the MOST EXPENSIVE one...*look at Y/n*

Y/n:M-mina.....*hold Mina hand*

Mina:*look at Y/n*Hurmmm??

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Mina:*look at Y/n*Hurmmm??

Y/n:Thanks...*smile then kiss Mina on the lips*

Mina:*kiss Y/n back*

Meanwhile Twice...

Momo:Guys...Look at there..*points Mina and Y/n*

Chaeyoung:Auwww...So sweet..*smile*


Jeongyeon:Mwo??*look at Nayeon*

Nayeon:*points Mina and Y/n*

Jeongyeon:Ehh??What are you talking about??*confused*

Dahyun:She wants like it too unnie...*glared at Jeongyeon*


Jeongyeon:Arrasso...I will do it..*look at Nayeon*


Jeongyeon:*nodded*But at home...*look away*

Nayeon:*smack Jeongyeon shoulder*

Jeongyeon:Mwo..??!!*glared at Nayeon*I said I will do it right??

[COMPLETED]Twice Mina- TWINS SISTER (MINAxFEMALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now