TF2 - Spy x Fem!Reader : You ever feel like you're being watched?

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It was a cold morning in twofort, it would get cold to the point of freezing some things and covering the maercinarys guns and other weapons in a thin frost.

Today was like no other.

You woke up to the sound of your teams Scout and Solider yelling at each other.



You lissend to the two fight for a while, befor sitting up and looking at your clock. It was indeed 4 am sharp. You had got to sleep at 2 am last night.

Its going to be a long day today.

You finally stood up and began to get ready for the day, changing into your (Y\C) uniform and heading out to the mess hall. You saw Scout sitting down at one of the tables along with Engie and a pissed off looking sniper.

Scout tuned and looked at you, opening a can of bonk while he did so. "Haya Dolly! uh.. Nice day today huh?" He said.
"Yup... Sure....." You responded, watching as Scout looked away in defeat before going to talk to the other mercs.

Or more like annoying the shit out of them...

Eh, It's not your problum. As long as Sniper dosent lash out and probably send a bullet through another spoon everything should be fine. You sat down by your self at a table closer to the door and staired off into the distance as you let your mind wander since you had nothing better to do.

~={Spys P.O.V.}=~

I was standing in the corner like always, using my watch to stay unseen while smoking. I watched while my sweet (Y\N) walled into the room. Our Scout turned and attempted to flirt with her, but as usual he failed miserably. She sat down a a table closer to the door, probably to stay away from him. I sighed and inhaled another puff of smoke. I would always just be watching her from the shadows in fear of my rose wilting away at my touch.

The thought pained me.

To think I would never be able to hold such a wonderful woman in my arms, The only problem was how I would do it. This was more than flirting with someone in a fancy resteront or teaching someone else how to do it them selfs. My heart and love for my (Y\N) where at stake here. She might reject me or worse pretend I never existed.

I shook my head and dismissed the thought. We had a battle to win today and I dident want my thoughts to get in the way. I walked to my smoking room to get ready, looking back at (Y\N) befor leaving the mess hall.

([Time skip brought to you by Bonk!™ Atomic Bomb])

~={Your P.O.V.}=~

We stood in the spawn, waiting for the door to open...

"Battle begins in 5...."

I looked around to see the others mentally preparing for the fight...


I think I saw Spy looking at me, but then again he might have been qwickly checking our team mates stances


No time for this emotional sloppy shit. We have a battle to win.


Here go's nothin'


I aimed my gun at the door and started to run


The moment the spawn door opened there where bullets every where, I managed to slip by the enemy's front line's and start destroying theyer support and defence classes while my team pushed the payload. I shot at the other teams Medic and-


Dammit, the demo must have killed me again.

" 3.... "

I would have fround if I still had my body.

" 2... "

That Cyclops always manages to piss me off.

" 1... "

Our's is fine but, the enemy's? Hell no.

"Prepare to Respone"

I felt my body reform and my weapon fall back into my hands, I opened my eyes just in time to see Spy boxtroting all the way back to the pay load and achuly somehow pushing it for a solid 30 seconds befor hearing Engie mumble about something about losing a bet. I shruged and went to go help my team, winning the fight and heading back to the main base.

([Time skip brought to you by Übercharge! Let's go practice medicine.])

~={Spy's P.O.V.}=~

I sat in my smoking room when I heard a knock at the door.
"Scout, if that's you, please go away."
I said befor taking a sip of the wine I had, swirling it around in my wine glass.
"A-achuly Its (Y\N), I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second... Or at the least give you this note quickly if you don't have time." She said, poking her head in.
"Come in then."
She sat down in the chair next to me, looking around quickly before she turned back to look my way. Something was off about her, she seemed nervous.

~={Your P.O.V.}=~

I tryed to calm the growing panic that was growing in my mind. What if he rejects me? What if he has another woman? What if he stops talking to me? Ohgodohgodohgod...
"Here's the note... I should uh.. ... Get going." I gave him the letter That a wrote and began to stand up
"No, no, stay here please. I would like to talk to you about this after I read this." He said, ushering me to sit back down. I did so and kinda went into full panic mode inside my head.
He opened the letter and read it, making me sit though the whole thing as I watched him go from shocked to something to... Smiling?
He started
"Thank you."
He turned to me and smiled, I sat there shaking, why I dident know.

I was happy.
The happiest person alive.
Word Count: 1006
A\N : I'm sorry I dident get the undertale and deltarune ones that were requested, but I needed to finish this and just be done with it. I should start working on Muffets on the weekend.

Intill then, hope you survive.

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