Chapter || 11

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Eunha POV

Today we're gonna shooting a film ' one fine day ' at pool . I love pool since I always play with pool with my friend . I think I'm gonna play it with my members this time .

" Okay girls . Right now you can play with water for a while . Then , we will give a game to play , also in the pool . " We cheering happily .

" The pool look so deep . " Sinb word made me take a step back .

" Argh , Sinb-ah !! Don't make Eunha afraid . " Sowon unnie scold Sinb .

" Ani , unnie. Actually I want to jump in to the pool . " I explain to Sowon unnie . I run and jump in to the pool and started play happily with my members .

" okay girls . Now we're going to give a game for you to play . " Our manager -nim tell us .

" Okay " we answer it together .


" Arrgghh !! I'm so tired " I lay at my bed with Umji .

" Omuji-ya , what are you doing ? " I ask Umji since she playing with her phone .

" Reading a news " I nodded my head . Suddenly , Umji jump like a monkey on my bed . I startled and my eyes began wide seeing her like that .

" why are you jumping at my bed while I'm sleeping !? " I scold her .

She showed her phone to me . And you know people who just wake up from sleep is a little bit blur . So , I just look at the phone with a confuse face .

" mwoya ? " I ask her .

" didn't you see your name in this website ? " I shook my head . Then , she scroll her phone and show me my name and another name ?

" can you explain to me what happen before you show this ? " I ask her sarcasticcaly .

" mianhae , unnie . Actually I wanna show you a name of shipper that very popular these days " I nodded my head .

" then ? "

" I found your name and another idol , which is currently popular . "

" who is it ? "

" you and BTS Jungkook " my eyes become wider . No way , man !! I almost burst my anger toward Umji . But I quickly hold it .

" evidence ? "

" wait a moment ... "

" this ... "

" Eunkook ! " I almost scream .

" ne , unnie . That is your shipper name . "

" wait they said I wear a same jacket as him " I almost cursed at that stupid things .

" that's my childhood friend jacket . " Umji nodded .

" ugh ! This media always make something without a correct evidence . " I close my eyes and back to my sleep again . Try to peace .

" That's the evidence , unnie " Umji sleep by side .


Jungkook POV

I and Taehyung are going out to find some new clothe since it's been a while . Maybe buying online is better , but I like to walk and buy clothe at the store .

" Hyung this clothe is good , aren't ? " I ask Taehyung hyung opinion since he is good at fashion .

" it's good to you " I take a t-shirt that wrote ' stussy ' on it .

" can I ask you ? " I ask the worker .

" yes "

" Is there any big size for this clothe " I ask him .

" yes . Wait a moment " I wait at the counter . He came while hold my clothe .

" okay thank you . How much ? "

" xxxxxxxxx " I give her a money . Then , I go to Taehyung hyung who is very focus on his phone . I wonder why .

" Hyung gwae- "

" Jungkook-ah !! "

I got startled when he shout my name loud . That time , everyone look at us or more specifically me . Before they come to us , I quickly pull Taehyung hyung and go to place that has no people . I flicked Taehyung hyung head .

" ya , you shouldn't shout my name like that " I scold him . He just smiled .

" I didn't mean to do that . I'm just shock . "

" What the thing that you shock too much . " He show his phone to me . I blankly look at him .

" mwoya ? " I ask him .

" ouh sorry . Wait ... " We walk while I look at him curiously .

" this . "

I read .

My eyes become wider . My anger is going burst but I hold it .

" Is this true ? "

" I don't know . "

I become silent , didn't want to make a fight . We walk to dorm . I smiled secretly all the way . I ...... like it . Eunkook .

'Get your sense back , jeon jungkook . Well eunkook is better if that person is Eunbi not Eunha .' I scold myself .


Please vote for this chapter .. sorry if this chapter is too short ..

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