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What time was it? Obviously, the sun was already up because Ace could feel it's rays shining on directly on his face. The room was also way much cooler than it had been last night. For a second he didn't remember what was going on but he looked at his suitcases on the other side of the room and everything came flowing back to him. Turning to his side he got his phone out of his back pocket and checked the time. Nine am. It was pretty surprising because he never slept in this late. Ace would usually wake up at around seven am to start his morning routine, which consisted of doing his hair, brushing his teeth and occasionally, he would go for a jog. But that was when he was really motivated, which was almost never. Hopping out of bed he opened one of his bags and got out a few clothes and his toiletries and headed into his bathroom.

Downstairs, 2D and Noodle were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Russel to finish making breakfast. Russel always made the meals. Mainly because he couldn't trust 2D near an open fire and Noodle had no idea what she was doing half of the time. But he did have a knack for cooking himself so he never minded. 2D and Noodle were banging their silverware on the table, waiting for their bacon and eggs.

"You two better stop that, unless you don't want to eat anything today, you may continue." Russel scolded. The both of them quickly put their utensils down and looked at each other then looked away. When Russel said something, he meant it.

"Where's Ace? I thought you said you picked him up from the airport last night, or should I say this morning." Russel flipped the pieces of bacon.

"He's probably still sleeping. When I picked him up yesterday, he looked very tired. Let's just give him some time," Noodle smiled. She then looked over at 2D who was fidgeting with his finger. This whole idea of 'a new bassist' was still new to him because he only found out a few days prior. And he wasn't really loving it either. He wasn't really ready to move on yet. Ever since Murdoc got taken to prison a few weeks ago, he's had a series of different emotions. Happiness, relief, satisfaction. But Sadness and anger were two major emotions. He often found himself crying or laying in bed all day. You'd think that having the person that has abused you for more than ten years go to prison would feel amazing. But it didn't. No matter how much he told himself that he was better off without him, he couldn't hold his tears back whenever he thought about Murdoc. But that was only the first two weeks. 2D is slowly moving towards the first steps of recovery. And that's where Ace came in. Now, it wasn't his idea to replace Murdoc with Ace, it was Noodle's but he couldn't really say anything because they needed a bassist. Russel got a journal for 2D so he could write everything that he felt in it. It was really helping him and he got in the habit of writing something every day. That's when it occurred to him that some of the things that he wrote sounded like lyrics to a song. So know they're planning on making a new album. 

"You okay 2D? You look a bit winded." Noodle patted his back.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just a bit nervous to meet Ace that's all." He tried to smile. Noodle squinted her eyes and moved closer to 2D.

"What's the matter? Is there something in my teeth?"

"No there's nothing in your teeth. It's your tooth," She started. "Your tooth grew in! That's awesome!" Noodle beamed.

"Really? Wow, I never thought my teeth were coming back." He took his finger and started touching the new tooth. He stood up and went to show Russel who was still making breakfast.

"Look, Russ, my tooth is back!" He giggled. 2D was thirty-nine. But he acted as if he was six. It wasn't bad or anything but he became more and more oblivious over the years. And ever since Murdoc left, he's been having mood swings. He'd go from sad to very happy in a matter of seconds. He'd also throw tantrums if he didn't get what he wanted but he's slowly getting over that. 

"That's great D. Now go sit down the bacon is ready." Just as Russel, said those words Ace came sliding into the kitchen.

"Introducing former Gangreen Gang leader and actor, the one and only, Ace D. Copular!" He bowed and flipped his hair. Walking over to Russel, he held out his hand.

"Hey man, it's nice to meet you." 

Russel shook his hand and smiled. "Same here. I've heard a lot of good things about you."

Ace snorted and moved on to 2D. This was it. One wrong move and everything was over. He took a big breath in and breathed out.

"Hello, I'm Ace. Copular. And I'm the new bassist! You must be 2D it's really nice to meet you!" He smiled and shook 2D's hand. Everything was going good so far.

"Oh yeah, I am 2D. It's really nice to meet you too! I hope we can be friends." 2D scanned Ace. He didn't really look like Murdoc. The only thing they had in common was green skin. But other than that Ace seemed pretty nice and cool. Not only was he nicer than Murdoc, but he also looked way better than him too. Well, not in that kind of way. But Ace probably didn't like people like him. Soft-spoken and stupid. At least, that's what he thought. Ace sat down next to 2D.

"So what's this talk about a new album?" Ace asked, picking at the food that Russel had placed before him.

"Looks like someone is fully rested and awake." Noodle said with a mouth full of bacon and eggs.

"Oh, I know the answer! The album is going to be about, well, I don't know yet but I have been working on a few lyrics." Truth is 2D knows exactly what the album is going to be about. But he doesn't plan on telling anyone until he feels ready to. Right now they need to focus on actually writing songs and recording.

"It's okay, we can figure that out along the way. But I've always wondered, how do you guys come up with songs and lyrics, let alone albums." Ace asked he was looking at 2D, hoping that he would answer.

"Well, we usually travel somewhere to get inspiration. Not always but that's what we did for Humanz." 2D answered.

"Yeah, we went to Jamaica after that long hiatus. Mainly because we all needed it and because Murdoc wanted to make a new album. Something different you know?" Noodle added. She got up and put her empty plate in the sink.  "I'm going out for a jog, anyone want to join?"

The three boys looked at each other, then back at Noodle.

"I would love to Noods but I promised myself I would play my drums today. It's been a while. Maybe tomorrow? I'm sorry." Russel apologized. Noodle looked at Ace and 2D.

"Yeah, I would love to too, but I think I'll keep 2D here company." He pointed to 2D and smiled.

"Okay suit yourselves old men but don't come complaining to me when your bones get all crusty." Noodle giggled and walked outside and closed the door behind her. 2D saw her running when he looked out the kitchen window. Russel stood up and took the plates to the sink.

"I'll be upstairs if you guys need me. Don't be stupid and set the house on fire. I'm looking at you 2D." And with that, he disappeared upstairs.

Ace got out his switchblade from his pocket and started playing with it. 2D looked at him in astonishment. He had never seen anybody, not even Murdoc play with a blade that sharp. 

"Wow, can I try?" He asked Ace. He wanted to seem as cool as possible. But he also did want to earn his trust and friendship. Although he wasn't sure if he had a dark side yet.

"Woah, it takes years of practice to do this. And I don't think we'd want you to hurt yourself with a blade this sharp now would we?"

"Well, no but, I still want to see the knife." 2D pouted.

"Fine, but don't throw it up in the air. That's a trick I'll teach you another day."

"Really? You will?"

"Sure, as long as Russel approves. I don't want to get fresh with him. He'll probably knock out my teeth if I hurt you." 2D's ears perked up when he heard the word 'teeth'.

"Look! My tooth grew in! Now the gap isn't as big anymore. And my lisp is going away!" 2D looked like a five-year-old that just got a gold star from his teacher. It was goofy but in a way, it was kinda cute. Ace chuckled to himself.

"Spot on D."

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