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"i long to hear your voice"

JULIET'S FINGERS TWIRLED a strand of her hair nervously

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JULIET'S FINGERS TWIRLED a strand of her hair nervously. She glanced around the classroom carefully. Her classmates were loud and obnoxious. She thought about it for a moment and dedicated that the whole school was in fact like that– her class being the worst. She then thought some more; about how glad she'll be to get out of the place.

The school year was only about nine weeks in, but, naturally it has felt longer that that.

She has reasons to accuse her senior class of being the main problem of the school. They were the ones that practically drove the math teacher to quit her job. Miss Tate. She was a young woman with a lot to still learn about teenagers and their children. Juliet pitied her. She was a pretty woman with potential of being a great teacher. Polite, and respectable. But, maybe her first job shouldn't have been a twelfth grade math class.

The day she had enough she ran out of that school like a ghost was after her, cursing the names of her foes as she went. She finally swore, that if she kept teaching, she'd never step foot in River View High again. She said to be such a top of the line school, we were the worst. They think putting them in uniforms would make them ladies and gentleman.

Juliet's rambling brain was silenced at the sight of the school's principal of twenty years, Mr. Maxwell, coming into the classroom. He seemed stressed these days, and Juliet wondered how long he'd keep going before hanging it up.

"Hello, children." He said, almost coldly. As if he was angry with the class, which he had a right to be.

"Hi Mr. Maxwell." Everyone, except Juliet and her sister, mumbled sleepily. She nudged Caroline with her elbow, causing the older girl to bolt up. Her tired eyes narrowed, and she sighed.

Caroline was, in fact, older than Juliet by two years. She's failed the twelfth grade twice. After the first year she failed Caroline never really applied herself, but this year Juliet is determined to get her sister to graduate.

"Why's he in here?" Caroline muttered, trying to rub the obvious tiredness out of her eyes.

"I guess for our new teacher." Juliet whispers back, her eyes cautiously watching the principal as he stood in the doorway.

"Alright, alright, settle down." He says as the class had began to get riled up again. "Now, I expect you to make your new teacher feel welcome." He then looked at them all, almost pleadingly. "Please."

Suddenly, a man walked in. Juliet's breath hitched as he casually walked into the room. His bright blue eyes scanned the classroom, then landed on Juliet, to catch her staring. He gave her a bright, mischievous smile, which made her heart race.

"Class, this is Mr. McGregor. He is a brand new teacher."

"Really? Another new one?" Caroline muttered a little too loudly, and people laughed.

Mr. McGregor, Ewan, cocked an eyebrow as he looked around once more. He wondered what was funny about what the blonde said.

"Miss Twain." Mr. Maxwell, sighed, causing Caroline to smirk. "Please, kindly, just..just shut up."

Juliet couldn't help the smile that formed on her face then. She thought it was funny how little Caroline has to push now to really get on the school staff's nerves.

"Well, I'll let you get to it, sir." Mr. Maxwell turned to Ewan, who simply smiled. Juliet began to stare again and she watched him carefully. He had a slim build, and light brown hair. He was sharply dressed, and was seemingly prepared.

Once the principal left, Ewan stepped up to the front of class. "Good morning." He said, revealing an accent. Juliet shuddered in excitement: she loved men with accents! On TV, she thought they were very appealing.

Caroline watched her sister then smirked and rolled her eyes. "Teacher? I think my sister's already got a crush on you." She says.

Juliet's eyes widened. She gasped quietly, while her cheeks turned a bright pink. That caused the other kids to laugh at her.

Ewan's eyebrows rose and he looked at Juliet, the girl he caught staring when he came in. He smiled a bit, but a small smirk was peaking through. "Settle down, now." He said to the class as a whole, but stared at Juliet for a moment. He noticed how youthful and beautiful she looked. Her straight blonde hair, framed her face perfectly. A white button down blouse, plaid skirt, and knee high socks. He thought she looked marvelous.

He suddenly snapped out of the slight daze the girl caused, and looked at the class as a whole again. All of the children were in uniform, and the girls dressed similarly to Juliet. But, his heart only sped up its beating when he looked at her.

"Now, I understand this class was a major role in Miss Tate's quitting." He set his hands on his hips, "I'd just like to clarify, now, that I will not handle any disrespect. Whatsoever." He glanced at Juliet, before smiling slightly. "Is that understood, everyone?"

The class mumbled a yes and Juliet nodded her head.

"I've got a class syllabus, that I'd expect you to follow. Treat this as is if it's the first day. A new start." Ewan sounded like he knew what he was doing, and had no fear in pushing the fact that he was the boss. Juliet admired him for it, he was tackling them head on.

"Could you pass these out for me, dear?"

He smiled at Juliet, with a stack of papers now in his hand.

Juliet's breath hitched again and she nodded, slowly standing up. She took the stack out of his hands carefully, and forced a small smile to appear on her face. "Thank you..Miss?" He asked for a name.

"Juliet." She whispered.

Ewan smiled and nodded his head, watching her as she passed out the papers. He looked her up and down only once, then stopped himself. He had to be professional.

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