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"i felt the need to smile in your presence"

EWAN CAREFULLY SCANNED the crowded lunch room

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EWAN CAREFULLY SCANNED the crowded lunch room. He was assigned lunch duty that week along with a few other teachers. He thought for a moment about how tragic it'd be if the students, as a whole, decided to try to overthrow the teachers. They'd be decimated, for sure. Then, he decided to stop thinking about such a silly thing and watched the group of teens again.

He noticed how calm and mature they all seemed. They all were sitting down, talking, and eating quietly. He wondered why all of the teachers and Mr. Maxwell warned him about the seniors. His morning classes faired well. He hadn't had one problem.

Beside of the lunch room, is the gymnasium. Across from that, there is a small place where some children that aren't eating are instructed to sit so those that are eating can sit at a table. The commons. It was just a small brick structure, with a few of the schools sports plaque's posted above. He noticed the last title any of the sports teams won was back in 1997, for girls basketball.

He scanned the room once more before going over to that area. He heard a girl's laugher, then another's voice. The voice struck a nerve with him and he soon realized it was Juliet's.

"I don't feel very well." Juliet sighed.

"Maybe if you actually ate lunch for a change." Ewan then knew that the girl laughing was Juliet's sister, Caroline. He, even after just one day, could recognize the eerie voice.

"I'm not hungry."

"That's what you said at breakfast. Listen, I know–" Ewan, already concerned, stepped out and interrupted the sisters.

"Good afternoon, ladies." He said quietly, placing his hands together behind his back. He nervously looked at Juliet before giving her a dazzling smile.

Juliet's eyes widened once she saw Ewan. She pushed her skirt down quickly because, with her legs in her sister's lap, it had came up a bit. Ewan seen this act and bit his bottom lip harshly.

Caroline looked up at Ewan and rose an eyebrow. "Hey, Mr. McGregor."

"Is everything all right back here?" He glanced around, looking mainly at Juliet. "You seem like something's troubling you, Miss Juliet."

Caroline took in a sharp breath. "Maybe you can talk some sense into her. She won't eat." She looked at Ewan who still seemed concerned, then back at Juliet. "I gotta meet up with Michael. See ya, sis." She leaned over to kiss her sister's cheek, and Juliet only frowned.

Ewan watched Caroline leave, then he slowly went and stood beside of where Juliet was sitting. "What's wrong, love? What'd your sister mean by that?" He watched Juliet carefully. He couldn't look away.

"Mean by what?" Juliet whispered, tilting her head a bit to the side.

"That you won't eat?"

A small line on Juliet's forehead formed due to her furrowing her eyebrows in, what seemed like, distress. For a moment Ewan wished that he could simply kiss it away.

"I'm just not hungry." Juliet said softly. "Okay?"

Ewan could tell she was lying and wanted to interrogate her more. But, he felt entirely out of place. He didn't know her at all, they just met, and he's her teacher. He couldn't understand why he cared as much as he did, anyways.

"Alright, alright." He placed his hands on his hips. "I won't bother you anymore."

Juliet looked at her teacher and forced a small smile. His eyes were like looking at a beautiful, cloudless, sky. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies and her heart raced.

Ewan smirked. "I'll see you later, Miss Juliet." He winked at her, before turning and leaving her alone. Juliet's cheeks turned a deep crimson red as she watched her teacher leave. She watched his every last move until she could not see him anymore.


"I don't know, Abby. He's probably just being nice." Juliet says as she passes the ball to her team mate. The two were warming up for the evenings basketball practice, and Juliet told Abby everything about the new teacher, Mr. McGregor.

"Oh, please." Abby smiled at Juliet. "I seen the way he looked at you in advisory. He's totally into you!"

"He's my teacher!" Juliet groaned, grabbing the basketball from her friend. "Besides..No one like him would like anything like me."

Abby quickly frowned at what Juliet said. She hated seeing her best friend put herself down. It was constant, too. Juliet had no self worth of confidence in herself whatsoever, and it made Abby sad.

"He's only like, what, twenty something? Go for it!" Abby exclaimed.

"Abby, First of all, i-it's wrong. Second, I'd never even have a chance."

In Juliet's mind she knew the thoughts of "going for" her math teacher was wrong. It'd be wrong of him to accept the advances, too. Wouldn't it?

But, in her heart, all she was doing was thinking about how she could better herself. So, maybe, Mr. McGregor would like her.
Abby knew it.

Juliet didn't know how it happened so quickly but in one simple day this older man swept her away. His handsomeness added onto it a great deal, of course. But, maybe because he was actually kind to her, and showed a little bit of interest in her.

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