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"running in circles now
look what you've done"

"GOOD MORNING STUDENTS of River View! Just a few morning announcements and then we'll be able to start our Friday morning off!" A, way too cheerful, freshman was doing the morning announcements this semester

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"GOOD MORNING STUDENTS of River View! Just a few morning announcements and then we'll be able to start our Friday morning off!" A, way too cheerful, freshman was doing the morning announcements this semester. Not one senior in the student council wanted to do it, because normally it is seniors that do it. The young girl was nice and all, but her voice and her happy tone sounded artificial and annoying, and not something you'd like to listen to first thing in the morning. Every. Single. Day.

Of course, Caroline had her head down, half listening, half asleep. Juliet sat beside of her sister, her eyes drooping from the lack of sleep; her lips formed into a tired frown.

Ewan had watched her since she came in this morning, and seeing her so sleepy now after settling down in her chair, seemed so adorable.

"We have a girl's basketball game at home today, against Masonville's lions. And over at their school, our boys team will be playing. Come out to support either team!"

At the mention of the game Juliet perked up slightly. She looked around the room and some of the boys, who were on the boys basketball team, were smiling and getting riled up.

Basketball was something that the school took great pride in. Even more-so than what they did football. The student body was proud of their teams and players and they were always good about coming to the games to support.

"Senior night, and the last home game, for the girls, will be coming up on the 19th."

Juliet silently shuddered. Today was already the eighth.

"Please come out to support the following ladies on their final game here at River View!"

Juliet's eyes widened and Caroline suddenly sat up. Juliet didn't want her name to be mentioned for everyone to hear, but Caroline loved it.

Ewan, who was listening very carefully to the intercom, suddenly smiled. He looked at Juliet, and her expression made him smile more.

"Abigail Crawford! The twins, Taryn Hart and Jessica Hart! And, this years team captain, Juliet Twain!" 

The boys basketball players in the room were staring at Juliet. Her sister clapped obnoxiously before she grabbed her hands and made her stop.

Once the announcements were finally over, Ewan stood up to begin his teaching. "Team captain, Miss Juliet? That's wonderful."

Juliet's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she forced a small smile onto her face. She nodded her head, and didn't know what to say to him. Even though she was embarrassed, all she could focus on now was this man's charming smile.

"That is a wonderful accomplishment, darling." He said sweetly. He winked at her before turning towards his board to write today's assignment down.

Caroline's eyebrows rose and a tiny smirk tugged on the corner of her lips. She watched her sister and then looked at Ewan. She knew this teacher was getting to Juliet.


Juliet walked silently out of her last class of the day. She always hated the evening schedule because she had no classes with her sister or her best friend. She was a straight loner. Some days it wouldn't be so bad. She'd have some time to think about things, and be alone. But that's only when her day was peaceful, and there wasn't that much to think about.

Mr. Mcgregor has been weighing on her mind all evening. The way he smiled at her, made her heart flutter. His accent made her absolutely melt.

He had no idea the impact he made on this young girl. If he did, he'd probably be thrilled.

She was making her way towards her locker, while kids walked by her at a fast pace to get outside to the busses or their cars.

When she arrived she was one of the last students in the hallway. She rummaged through her locker to gather her things before pulling her gym bag out, and placing it over her shoulder. She had basketball practice right after school that evening.

She was hardly paying attention and when he approached her, she was startled.

"Miss Juliet!"

She jumped, the book she had in her hand dropping down onto the floor.

"Oh; I'm so, so sorry, love." Ewan bit his bottom lip harshly. He watched as she bent down to pick it up, her cheeks red in embarrassment. In the split moment she forgot that in a skirt she should crouch down instead of bend.

Ewan ran a hand through his short hair and quickly tore his eyes away before he was caught staring at her behind. Juliet had no idea.

"Uhm.." He took a deep breath, his mouth suddenly becoming dry. "Why haven't you left yet?"

"I-I have practice." She said quickly, placing the book on the top shelf and then shutting the locker door. She looked up at him and froze.

He was smiling at her. "Well, I won't keep you from it. But, may I ask, do you have a ride home? I saw you the other day alone."

He understood how strange it was asking her the question. But, a few days prior he had seen the poor girl sitting outside on the bench, staring helplessly at the road. He wanted to stop to help, but was afraid. Now, he decided to try.

Juliet's eyebrows rose. "N-No, sir. I don't."

Sir. There she goes again. Ewan thought.

"What time is the end of your practice?"

"Four thirty."

"I have to stay back to grade some papers and what not, I'd be glad to give you a ride, darling." He gave her a dazzling smile, causing her cheeks to light up bright.

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