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go ahead and cry little girl .

EWAN WATCHED THE gym door carefully

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EWAN WATCHED THE gym door carefully. As soon as Juliet walked out he planned on pulling up so she wouldn't have to walk so much in the cold. Small snow flurries had begun since her practice started, and by the looks of her teammates that had already came out, she wouldn't be wearing proper clothing for the cold.

Once she did finally walk out Ewan's breath was taken away for a moment. How adorable she looked. She was clearly exhausted. Her hair was up in a messy bun, with some pieces falling out, but looking good nonetheless. She in fact was wearing clothes that weren't appropriate for the weather. She had on basketball shorts and a tee shirt, at least the young lady she walked out with put a jacket on.

Ewan pulled his car up closer to the door, and when he and Juliet made eye contact threw the window he couldn't help but smile.

He recognized the girl with her, it was Miss Abigail.

Juliet hugged her quickly, and her cheeks began to get pink. Abigail said something to make her blush, Ewan observed.

Once Juliet got into the car Ewan could tell she was cold. Her little hands has to just be frozen, he thought.

He turned the heat on a little bit more and glanced at her. She looked at him nervously, but she smiled softly.

"Why aren't you wearing a coat, it's snowing!" Ewan motioned towards the window, raising his eyebrows. He looked at her quite sternly. "You'll get sick."

She began rubbing her hands together to make them warmer, and she frowned. "I-I'm..I'm sorry." She stuttered.

He sighed, shaking his head. Reaching into the back seat, Juliet watched him as he pulled a coat up to the front. "Here, sweet girl." He whispered, sending a chill throughout Juliet.

She placed his coat on top of her, and she was immediately relaxed. The coat had his amazing smell, obviously, and it was very warm.

"Now, where exactly do you live?" Ewan began pulling out of the school's parking lot.

Juliet bit down on her lip. "The first house on Marigold Avenue.." She barely whispered. She didn't want to go home. She never did.

Ewan noticed that her mood suddenly changed, and he didn't know how to approach it. He has this beautiful girl that is deeply troubled right in front of him, and he wants to help in anyway he can, but he doesn't know how. He was able to put together, though, that the mere mention of home ruined her, slightly good, mood.

"Uhm..H-Hows things going at home?" He asked. He mentally slapped himself for asking such a generic, silly, question.

"G-Good." She barely stuttered out, and when he looked at her questioningly, she added, "Just fine, sir."

As badly as she wanted out of that house, to be rescued, she couldn't bring herself to tell Ewan the truth about how her home life is. And that is just that. She needed to be rescued. And her teacher just might be the man to do it.

"Juliet, you know you can tell me anything. I know we haven't know eachother for that long," Ewan suddenly, not thinking, reached out for the girl's small hand. "But, please know that you can trust me."

Her hand was cold, and small. It fit perfectly into his larger hand, like a puzzle piece. He was relieved when Juliet didn't pull her hand away in disgust. Her reaction was quite the opposite..She was put at ease.

"I-I know. I just.." She squeezed his hand, closing her eyes for a moment. "Can't talk about it right now."

He sighed, and his lips turned down into a frown. "Alright, love.."

He held her hand for the rest of the silent drive. Juliet dreaded leaving him. She already wished she could stay with him forever. She felt so safe.


"Who was that dropping you off?"

Juliet's mother was a ghastly woman. There were no positive words to describe her. She looked just like Juliet in her younger days, but she really let herself go. Since marrying Juliet's step father, she became a drunk, next to his drug abuse, and it has driven Juliet crazy.

Juliet was frightened by her mother now. Not as much as her stepfather, but she was quite afraid.

"I-It was..uhm.."

Juliet tried to think up a good enough lie. Her mother was too out of it to really try to elaborate any further.

"Abby's older brother."

Her mother, Francis, rolled her eyes at her daughter. She left to her room for the rest of the night. Things were quite peaceful for Juliet until her step father arrived home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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