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THE CLASS, IMMEDIATELY after the bell's signal, sprang from their desks to get out the door as quick as possible

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THE CLASS, IMMEDIATELY after the bell's signal, sprang from their desks to get out the door as quick as possible. Caroline didn't wait for Juliet to gather her belongings, leaving Juliet alone and behind everyone. She shoved all of her things into the small bag, zipping it up. It went about halfway before getting stuck, and Juliet sighed.

Ewan, watching her: smiled. "Miss Juliet?"

Juliet turned abruptly at the sound of the Scotsman's voice, and her cheeks turned slightly pink. "Yes, sir?"

"Allow me to help." He reaches forward and lifted the heavy bag of books onto the desk, "Quite heavy, isn't it? What have you got in here? Bricks?"

Juliet giggled and watched as he carefully handled the zipper as if it would break. He chewed on his lip as he worked with it, until finally, the bag was fully zipped.

"Also, Miss Juliet, I'd like a word." He handed the bag back to Juliet. Her stomach churned as he looked her right in the eyes. "Second block is my planning so I have plenty of time. Come sit."

Juliet's eyes were slightly rounded as she walked over to his desk. She timidly sat down on the chair he pulled up for her, and crossed her legs, making sure to pull down her skirt so nothing would show.

Ewan watched her do this, and it made him smirk. He bit his lip to hide it, and sat down himself.

"So, I would just like to ask you if you understand that you are failing this class? Miss Tate wrote down something for each student so I would know a bit.."

Juliet's eyes widened slightly. She never did get along with Math but she thought she was doing good. Miss Tate never said anything to Juliet which led her to believe she was passing fine.

Ewan seemed as if he read the girl's mind. "You play basketball for the school, don't you?"

Juliet felt a lump forming in her throat that only seemed to come along when her anxiety began to act up. She swallowed, "H-How'd you know?"

Ewan smiled. "I told you, Miss Tate wrote down a bit about each of you. She couldn't stress enough about how you were one of the only children who were quiet. Your behavior was exquisite." Juliet, for just a moment, admired the words he used.

"I expect you'll continue the good behavior for me, as well." He started to smile, and leaned forward in his chair slightly.

All Juliet could do was nod her head, and she swallowed once more.

"So, why are you failing this class? Is math not your strong suit?"

Juliet shook her head.

"Did you ever ask for help?"

She shook her head once more.

"Why not? Use your words, love."

Juliet sat up quickly and her face flushed. Although Ewan looked a bit annoyed by now, he smiled at her.

"I-I just..Was sc-scared." She stuttered, looking down at her lap as her fingers twiddled with the ends of her skirt.

"Scared of what?" Ewan chuckled, "Miss Tate seemed like a nice woman."

"I-I don't know." Juliet shrugged her shoulders.

She hated to be having this conversation. She, truly, hated talking to people she didn't know period. It's one of the many things her anxiety does to her; that's why when she had trouble in any subject, it only progressively got worse until conversations like this happen.

"Are you alright?" Ewan asked. He noticed how her face began to get a little pale, and how she was fidgeting and stuttering.

Juliet nodded and looked up at him. "I-I didn't kn-know I was doing this bad in the class."

Ewan had forget all about that for a moment and he stared at her. Concern dripped from his eyes, and he held his hands together. "You've got anxiety, don't you?"

Suddenly, he reached out for the girl's hand. She was frozen. He felt her pulse and sighed a bit, "I'm sorry I got you all worked up, darling. I find that if you just take deep breaths, and count backwards from ten, it'll help." He smiled at her, "I'd like for us to stop and get you calmed down before it gets any worse."

The girl's heart melted and she nodded. The last time her anxiety acted up in a classroom the teacher told her to step outside and deal with on her own. She was being a distraction. But, this new teacher seemed to actually care.

"Like this. Do it with me. Deep breath in," He took a breath, as she mimicked him, "And out.."

He still felt her pulse as he counted down from ten with her. They did this several times before he felt like she was calmed down enough to have the conversation.

"I don't want any of my students failing. If you need any assistance, please, by all means, ask me." Ewan looked her in the eyes and Juliet felt as if he was staring into her soul. "I'll help with anything." He whispered.

Her stomach erupted into butterflies as she nodded. "I-I'll do my best."

He smiled and put his hands together once more. "Well, I believe I'm done. Any questions?" He rose a brow and watched Juliet carefully.

She shook her head. "No, sir."

He liked hearing her say that. "Good."

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