A Key?!

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Demi POV.

The next day, I woke up in his arms.. I stretched, yawned and took off one of Nick's arms.

I moved a little and got up to go to the bathroom. Before I even took a step, I turned to him and kissed his forehead

I took a quick shower and got out wrapped with a towel around me.. As I started dressing to my clothes from the previous day, Nick woke up

- Hey there - I said putting my big shirt on so that he couldn't see anything

- Hi.. - he answered scratching his head - slept well?

- Yeah..

I pulled up my jeans but they were kinda stuck - Can you help me?

He chuckled and got up.

- Do not touch that area Nicholas! - I said just as his hands started moving much more south

- Why? You are my girlfriend! - he said grabbing the end of my jeans

I stopped and he understood..

- Oh.... - Was all he said - Ok..

- Is it weird?..

I looked up at the mirror and he smiled softly - No! You should do it when you're ready and I will wait..

I blushed looking down and dropped my shirt over the jeans - Thanks..

So awkward..

He kissed my cheek and I smiled - Don't sweat about it okay?

I nodded and rubbed my fingers through his hair - I love you - I said in a sigh

He turned my face and kissed me as we soon started a making out session in his bed. It didn't went further than that though..

That morning, Nick and I decided to end with Wilmer's case once and for all.

We went to the jail and asked to see him. The guard took us to a room with other people talking to prisoners and we sat in a chair waiting, me on Nick's lap.

He eventually cane and sat in front of us

- Hi.. - I started.

I was so thankful that a guard was there behind me and that we had a glass between us.. I was shiting myself right now..

- Hey bitch. What the fuck do you want?

I looked down trying to ignore his words - Why, of all things, did you chose me as the award?

I decided to go straight to the point. No tricks or talk.

He chuckled looking away - It wasn't you what I fucking wanted..

I was shocked by this Wilmer in front of me.. Where was the sweet loving guy who I felt in love with?!

- Then.. what did you wanted?

He pointed at my chest and I looked down.. - The necklace. I searched for it my fucking entire life but your worthless dad didn't had the damn courage to take it away from you.

- Why did you wanted it?!

He shook his head - I ain't gonna tell you anything. I want that shit and I deserve it!

- Wilmer.. why did you wanted it? - Nick asked sternly

- I will tell you nothing you pieces if shit!

- I need answers Wilmer.. - I said desperate - I deserve them..

He looked in my now watery eyes and took a deep breath - That stupid necklace is a key..

- A key to what?!

- See the rose? It fits perfectly in a iron box.. no one knows what's inside of it but we know that it's worth millions.. I found the fucking box. All I needed was the stupid necklace

I looked at Nick and he nodded - If you tell us where's the box, we'll take you out of there and you can have it all to yourself

- How am I sure of that?

- Or you trust us, or you don't..

He looked to his left - your mother's grave, 3 steps south and there it is, right under the ground - he smirked

- Thank you.. I appreciate your gesture - I smiled but he didn't

We got out of the jail and went home

- That thing over there has secrets - Nick chuckled as we walked to the car

- Yeah.. can you imagine? A key!

I sat in the seat and waited for him to come inside as well

- Maybe we should stay one more night.. - I said looking at him

- Fine by me.. are you sure?

I nodded and leaned to the window as he started the car - Yeah..

I took a small glance at the necklace and opened it. In there, there was still a photo of my family..

- I miss them..

He turned his head to me quickly and pulled his lips inside his mouth - I'm sorry..

He took us to a park and we hanged out there for a while.. after it, we went to a restaurant and ate. He boosted my mood up and I thankful for it.

When we got out, lots of people took photos of us. Nick said that I should keep my head down so that's what I did..

- "Who is she?" "Is she your girlfriend?" "Where have you been?" - were some of the questions

We finally got to the car and Nick speeded down the road

- Why were they taking picture of us?

- They're paparazzi's.. They are payed to do it.. Since I'm someone with quite a name, they stalk me..

- That must suck - I chuckled

- It does.. but I'm used to it.

We went to his house exhausted and soon went to bed. Wilmer's words kept replaying in my head.. A key huh?

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