Time To Get To Work

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I woke up the next morning with a slight headache. I got into the shower and stood under the rain shower head letting the warm water trickle down my body. All I could think about was Luke's drunken confession of attraction to me and the best kiss I've had in forever.  I touched my wet lips to try to replicate the feeling and drifted into a fantasy of what would have happened if I'd invited Luke to my bed last night.  I was startled out of my dream by a familiar voice at the bathroom door.

"Mom, can I come in?" Mick said through the door.

"Sure honey"

"What time did you get home last night?"

"About 1 I think"

"Wow. Long dinner"

"Yeah. It's normal for LA I guess"

"I just finished my classes. Sam is here. She says you have fittings at 1"

"What time is it now?"

"11:30. You've got time. Someone brought the Prius back. Were you a bad girl last night?"

"What? No! I didn't do anything. He just walked me home!"

"I meant did you drink too much. Who walked you home?"

"Let me finish my shower please."

"Ok momma."

Mick left and closed the door. I leaned my head against the wet tile of the shower wall. What had I done? This will not end well for me.

I dressed and went downstairs to find Mick and Samantha drinking coffee and chatting at the kitchen island.

"Good morning you two. Is there coffee?" I asked.

"Yep. Let me get you a cup." Samantha offered.

"Since I finished my school stuff for today, Sam offered to take me to do a little sight seeing and shopping while you work. Is that ok?" Mick asked.

"Sure honey. Thank you Samantha."

"No problem. Please call me Sam. I'll take good care of Mick."

Mick and Sam left for their adventure giggling like I'd heard often Mick and her friends do. I wondered what adventure my day held.   I went to my laptop and pulled up my digital calendar:

1:00:  Measurements - Ashton
1:30:   Measurements - Michael
2:00:  Measurements - Calum
2:30:  Measurement - Luke

My day would be spent touching the bodies of 3 hot guys and 1 hotter guy who I had kissed the night before. Hopefully my measuring tape will see most of the action.  I went to the office in the back of the house and set up for the initial wardrobe measurements. After all, that's what I was doing in Los Angeles!  I was dressing a band and creating a cool, sophisticated image for them.  I was NOT in Los Angeles to KISS one of them in some sort of teenage drunken make-out session. I was a grown woman. A professional.  My self-scolding was interrupted by the doorbell.  I practically jumped out of my skin!  "Settle down sister" I said in my head.  "Be cool".

I opened the door to find Ashton and a very pretty young woman named "Rain".  I took his measurements, recorded them in my info file and said goodbye to Ashton and his girl Rain.  Michael and Calum followed.  Same drill.  Took measurements, recorded them, said goodbye. 

I glanced at the clock. 2:26.  My palms began to sweat and I think I could actually hear my own heartbeat.  I went to the kitchen and held my hands under cold water. 

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