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Hey guys! Short time, no see! (Ik, that's not the saying, but I got bored and this fanfic is the child from my boredom.) So, yeah! This is my new "book" I'm writing! (Be ready for dirty comments from me in bold throughout this story, my dooderssss!)

(Give me some slack, this is my second book 😂)

(Y/n): Your Name
(L/n): Last Name
(F/c): Favorite Color
(H/c): Hair Color
(H/l): Hair Length
(E/c): Eye Color
(F/s/m): Favorite Show/Movie
(F/r): Favorite Restaurant
(F/m): Favorite Meal
(F/d): Favorite Drink
(F/h/d): Favorite Hot Drink
(S/n w/...): Ship Name With ...
(Yt/c): YouTube Channel (Name)
(Yt/l): YouTube Logo
(This list may grow when I come across something that needs to be addressed or explained, so check this list if you don't know what something means. Some of the things I listed may or may not be used.)

Smut chapters are going to be marked with and X. It depends on how far they go for the number of X's. If it's all the way, it's three. If it's some, it's two.
   Ex: Chapter 12 (XXX)
Ex: Chapter 12 (XX)
   Ex: Chapter 12 (XX?)

Also, thoughts are italics in ''.
Ex: 'Wowie, this man is hot.'

Also also, random A/n's throughout the chapters will be in bold.
   Ex: (I just ate a whole shitload of stuff and I feel sick.)

*Slight Disclaimer* This may not be the way Jack acts in his videos. I'm sorry, I'll try to put his personality into this, but I'm not the best at it lmao.

I'm sorry if you don't like this (⬇️⬇️). It's more about character explanations more than anything. Just give the chapters a chance. I've been told my writing is addicting, but idk about that.

Now, let me fill you in on some things:

You are a 27 year old woman who has a fresh new YouTube channel that only has 200+ subs. Later on, you made a collab video with your brother, Markiplier, and got quite a few subs from that; Over 1 million, to be exact. Now that you've got about 1.2 million subs and counting, you always have notifications on your phone, whether you like it or not. (Okay, your notifications aren't something for the plot, but I'd just like to add in there that your phone is always blowing up now.)

Some YouTubers have contacted you and made some collab videos with you now, meaning that you gained more subs from them. Not that your just trying to scoop up the subs from them, though.

You've made more friends too, some of them being Ethan/ CrankGamePlays (No relation to my other story.), Tyler/ Apocalypto_12, Felix/ PewDiePie, Wade/ LordMinion777, and Bob/ Muyskerm. They are like brothers to you and Mark. You practically know most things about them, like what they like, when their birthdays are, and some of their favorite curse words to use. (So practically any fan girl in existence...? Also, me?)

The way you 'met' Jack is by doing a collab video with you, him, Mark, and Felix over two years ago. That was also the first time you had ever talked to Felix. You haven't gotten around Jack in person any, mostly because Mark wouldn't let you leave his side at conventions, and you had to go anywhere he went. Mark didn't go talk to Jack any at the last few conventions you had been to, so, of course, you didn't get to talk to him.

There is cursing and some smut chapters, so be ready and prepared.

Anyway, yeah, your brother is Mark, and you meet Jack, or Seán, and a few other YouTubers. You'll figure out how you meet Jack in person when I actually start writing. So, see you dooders soon!

(Mark can drink in this, btw)

(New outro coming your way when the first chapter comes out!!)

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