Part I

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At 2:30 in the morning my phone rang and I knew exactly who it was.

“Joshua Matthews you will be the death of me,” I said into the phone.

“I’m parked in the front,” he said then hung up.

I slipped on some shoes and a jacket and crawled out my window to Josh’s truck. I closed the door.

“You have to stop doing this. Doesn’t Maya get worried when you just pick up and leave?” I said.

“She knows where I am. And if you really want me to stop then you’d listen to me and go see them,” he said.

“I’m not ready,” I said moving my gaze to the floor of his truck.

“It’s been four months. And the wedding is in five. Tell them,” he said.

“Go home, please,” I said opening the door of the truck. Josh reached over me and closed it and locked the door.

“I’m not going anywhere until you promise me that you will go to New York and tell them,” he said.

I sighed in defeat knowing that he wasn’t going to let me win this time.

“I’ll go after breakfast,” I said.

He unlocked the door and I got out.

“I love you my twin,” he said.

“I love you too, my twin,” I said and he drove off.


Ever since Josh and I were born our older sister Morgan we so worried about getting left out the Corey made it his mission to make sure she never did. But in the process, Josh and I felt left out. We watched our older siblings from afar. Josh fought for their attention and approval and I just liked watching. Eric noticed and so did Shawn and they became my biggest role models (and yes I know they’re not the best ones to have but I love them). I never really noticed how much I was afraid about getting left out until I met Devon in college. Devon is Shawn’s half-brother, Shawn’s mother had him when she got remarried, and I was so afraid to tell Shawn because I didn’t want to lose him as someone who cared about me and then get put behind Devon in the attention given. By some miracle Devon understood so we’ve kept our relationship from Shawn and Corey and just told my parents, Josh, and Eric. But then he proposed, of course, I said yes and of course, I was excited but it also meant that I had to tell Shawn and Corey and it’s something I’ve been avoiding but now thanks to my twin brother there is no more avoiding.

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