Part III

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Once I was out of the apartment building a called Devon informing him that I didn't think I would be able to talk to Shawn today and that I was coming back to the hotel. When I was on the subway I got a text from Josh.

From Joshy👍❤
How'd talking to Corey go? ❤

To Joshy 👍❤
Terrible, he didn't even say anything. It's exactly why I didn't want to talk to him in the first place.

From Joshy 👍❤
Sorry Jess, I really hoped it'd go better.

To Joshy 👍❤
You and me both. Love you ❤

From Joshy 👍❤
Love you too ❤

The subway came to a stop and I got off and walked the half-block to our hotel. Once I got to our room Devon was standing there with his arms out waiting to hug me.

"You're such a dork," I said as I wrapped my arms around him and he to me, "How long had you been standing there like that?"

"Like 5 minutes," he said chuckling.

"I love you," I said looking up at him.

"I love you too," he said then bent down and kissed my lips.

We stayed hugging for a little while longer before we let go. I looked at the clock, it only read 3:30.

"I see that little brain working. Whatcha thinking my love," Devon said sneaking his hands around my waist from behind.

"I'm thinking I'll text Shawn asking him to meet me for dinner. That gives me 2 hours to get myself together after my horrific talk with Corey and 2 hours with you and then I'll get them both told today as planned," I said.

"That's I'm the girl," he said.

Devon and I layed down on the bed. While Devon looked for something to watch I decided to text Shawn.

To Shawn
Hey, I'm in New York for the weekend. You want to meet up for dinner tonight around 5:30?

From Shawn
Heck ya, I do! I miss you, little sis. Text me where you're staying and I'll pick you up at 5:30.

To Shawn
Miss you too, Hunter! See you at 5:30. Love you ❤

From Shawn
I'm so excited!! ❤❤

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