Part IV

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Devon and I ended up watching High School Music because he claimed it was the only decent thing on. We sang along to all the songs dancing around the hotel room. The credits had just finished rolling when Shawn texted me that he was here with a little too many exclamation points!

“Shawn's here babe. So, I'll text what restaurant we go to when we get there and then you make your way over ok?” I said confirming the plan.

“Yep,” he said helping me with my jacket.

I kissed him goodbye and ran to the lobby and into Shawn's arms.

“Jessy!!!!” he exclaimed putting me down.

“Hi!” I said.

“God, I've missed you,” he said the took my hand and lead me to his car.

Shawn and I talked on the way to the restaurant about his wife and family and his business. We parked on the street and he helped me out of the car and lead me down some stairs to a little cafe named Topanga’s.

“Does Topanga own Topanga’s,” I asked smiling.

“Yes, she does. There is also a really pretty waitress here I just can’t keep my eyes off,” he said he opened the door and there stood Katy, Shawn’s wife.

“You’re such a romantic,” I chuckled and we went and sat in a booth.

“How can it be that you are 25 and graduated from college already. Feels like yesterday I was talking to you and your brother in those incubators,” Shawn said.

“You know Shawn you’ve always been like a brother to me. I’m really sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner,” I said.

“Tell me what?” he asked.

“I’m Engaged,” I said.

“What? Why didn’t you tell me? I did not say this was ok?” he said semi-serious and semi-jokingly.

“I met him in college and we’ve been engaged for 4 months,” I said.

“4 months? Why on earth didn’t you tell me?” he said looking a little hurt now.

“Because I was afraid. Shawn my fiance is Devon Short,” I said.

“Why does that sound familiar,” Shawn asked.

“He’s your half-brother. And I was scared that you would be like Corey and just forget about me and focus only on that. Shawn, I-I didn’t want to lose you,” I said tear running down my checks.

“Hey, hey,” he said coming to sit next to me. “You are never going to lose me. I’m so sorry that you feel that way and I wish I could make it better.”

“Are you mad at me,” I said.

“Do I look mad?” he said.

“I love you, Shawn,” I said.
“Love you too, kid,” he said. “Now when do I get to meet Devon.”

“Right now,” Devon said his head peeking up behind us.

Shawn and Devon stood up and looked at each other for a moment. They really do look a lot alike. They hugged each other and then Shawn motioned me to join them in there hug.

“You hurt her you’re dead, brother or not,” Shawn said as he let go of the hug.

“I would never,” Devon said kissing the top of my head.

“Well, I’m really happy for the both of you. When’s the big day?” he asked as we all sat back down in the booth.

“September 30th,” I said.

“That’s only 5 months away,” he said.

“It’s all planned, there’s just one thing we still need to do,” I said.

“Oh yeah? Now, what would that be?” Shawn asked.

“Well, being my brother and all. I was hoping you’d be one of my groomsmen,” Devon asked.

“I’d be honored,” Shawn said shaking Devon’s hand.

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