Part V

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We spent the rest of the evening talking and catching up. Katy came over and joined us after a while and the four of us hung out until the store closed and Katy had us leave.

Devon and I went back to the hotel and packed up to leave in the morning before going to bed.

5:30 am, that’s when Corey came knocking on the hotel door. I opened the door and then turned to look back to see Devon still asleep. I sighed and pushed Corey back into the hall, grabbed my key and we stood in the hall.

“I assume you came here to say something and not just stare at me. At least I hope you did seeing that it's 5:30 in the morning,” I said crossing the arms over my chest after a few too many moments of silence.

“Shawn called me and yelled at me. Blamed me for the fact that you waited so long to tell him that you were engaged,” he said.

“He’s not wrong,” I sighed.
“I just don’t understand how I never noticed that I was hurting you.”

“You never took that time, Cor. You were always to busy with Morgan or Topanga to noticed your two little siblings begging for you to notice them.”

“Josh feels this way too?”

“Not as bad. He made himself known.”

“Why didn’t you.”

“I was scared to put so much effort in to not get anything out of it.”

“I wish you would have said something sooner. I wish I would have noticed sooner. I’m so sorry Jessica, and I know that sorry doesn’t really help seeing that you’re 25 and getting married in 5 months. But I want to change, I want to be the brother you needed when you were little and the brother that you need now, whatever it takes,” he said.

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” I said then hugged him tightly.

“I think this is the first time you’ve hugged me since you were 4 and I was leaving for New York,” he said. I could feel tears from his eyes landing on my head.

“See we are making progress already,” I said happily to finally have my brother.

All the sudden the door of my hotel room opened and Devon came out with our luggage.

“I heard you from inside and got everything together,” he said.

“Devon, I’d like you to meet my brother Corey,” I said.

Corey pulled him into a ‘man hug’.

“We’ll see you at the wedding,” I said hugging Corey one last time before we left to head back to Philly.

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