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girl wonder

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girl wonder.
chapter three

WHEN I wake up the next morning, I reach for my phone on the bedside table to find a text from my boss who's decided to give me a day off. He says he's going deep sea fishing with his husband, so I bid him the best of luck and thank him for letting me know.

My bed is suddenly softer, warmer and more inviting than ever knowing I should be in work, but I don't have to be. It's the perfect excuse to do absolutely nothing for the entire day, something I'd been waiting for for weeks.

With a little too much energy for a Saturday morning, I hop out of bed and waste no time in pouncing down to the kitchen.

Dad'd already down there, reading his paper with a mug of coffee set down on the table beside him.

"Morning," I greet him. "Slow work day?"

"I have no clients until two," he replies, eyeing me questioningly. "How come you're not at work?"

"Boss gave me the day off," I smirk.

Dad raises his eyebrows, then picks up his coffee and continues to read his paper. "Alright, then."

When I open the refrigerator I find practically nothing but some wrapped up leftovers and scraps. Luckily, there's a fresh loaf of bread in the pantry, so I toast two pieces and spread some avocado on them.

While shovelling down my food, I scroll through some emails and, after finding nothing of importance, I check a few news sites about the convenience store incident to make sure I still haven't been identified. To my relief, I'm named as an "unknown hero" in most articles.

After breakfast, I skip back up to my room and cocoon myself in a blanket on my bed. Once I'm comfy I begin to scroll through some of the channels on my TV in search of a movie to watch. Eventually I land on When Harry Met Sally, which is perfect as I've been meaning to watch it.

As soon as the movie starts, the world around me falls way and I'm sucked into the drama that happens when Harry and Sally meet. I've seen it more times than I can count, but it gets better and better every single time I watch it.

It's about an hour into the movie when the doorbell rings. I frown, not only at the fact that whoever's there is interrupting me, but also because I'm not expecting anyone and I'm pretty certain Dad's not either.

I ignore the ringing anyway and get back to my movie. I hear what might be Dad getting the door, but I don't care.

A few seconds later though, Dad's calling me.

"Nat, can you come downstairs? You have a visitor."

At first, I frown. Who the hell could be "visiting" me? I'm not a zoo animal.

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