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girl wonder

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girl wonder.
chapter twelve

SEVERAL hours later, the early morning sun is covered by a layer of thick, miserable cloud. I've reclaimed my spot in the passenger seat of a seven-seater and we've pulled up to a motel which is practically in the middle of nowhere in Ohio. The parking lot is empty but for a pickup truck which I can only assume belongs to the owner.

"I still can't believe you traded in the Porsche for a minivan," Gar speaks up from the back as we come to a halt.

Dick sighs. It had taken a while to convince him in the first place. "At least we can all fit in."

"I like the van," Kory shrugs. I hum, agreeing with her.

"We're not actually staying here, are we?" Rachel questions, staring out at the dreary building that, if given the choice, I would without a doubt avoid.

"You know, there's probably a nicer place down the road," Kory suggests.

"We're being hunted by sociopaths. Nicer places draw attention," Dick explains.

"Yeah, well, they also make it easier to sleep."

"One road in, same road out. Only one point of access we have to watch. And also, it's quiet. If trouble comes our way, we should hear it first."

I stare at Dick, in awe at how much he sounds like Batman without realising it.

"And who said anything about sleeping?" Dick adds, climbing out of the car. I shoot him a glance.

Please don't kill the receptionist.

After five minutes of silent anticipation, Dick returns with five keys in his hands and opens my door for me.

"Let's go."

I smile lightly at him.

Two boxes of pepperoni pizza later, the five of us have piled into Dick's room. Rachel's making herself comfy on the bed. Gar manages the pizza, shovelling it down like he hasn't eaten in days.

"We're all in one piece, more or less," Dick begins. "We need to figure out where we stand and determine what's mission critical."

"'Mission critical'?" Rachel teases him before I get the chance to.

"Is that a cop thing? Sounds like a cop thing," Gar interjects.

Holy shit.

None of them know he's Robin. I'd forgotten that it's not exactly common knowledge, considering that the first time I met Dick, I technically met him as Robin. I'm surprised at myself for having not blurted it out yet.

"I had some combat training when I was younger," Dick explains.

"And he's a cop," Rachel adds enthusiastically.

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