twenty four.

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girl wonder

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girl wonder.
chapter twenty four

DONNA'S cool gadget ends up leading us to a huge facility which is one of the only buildings we see for miles. I don't doubt its defunct state upon noticing the rusting and smashed windows and bricks missing from the exterior and my only question is what on Earth could Kory be doing here?

Dick parks just behind the pickup truck and the three of us clamber out. Kory immediately whips around, face scrunched into scrutiny towards Donna.

"Who is she?"

"I'm the person who knocked you out."

"Bet you can't do it twice."

Donna sends her a warning look.

"Kory, whatever this is you're going through, please, let us help," Dick pleads.

"I don't need your help." She twists back around, but doesn't get far before she's clutching her temples in pain and groaning.

"You're getting your memories back," Dick explains as gently as he possibly can.

"Yeah," she huffs. "But nothing makes sense. I can't make order to anything. All I know is I tried to kill a girl that I love and I don't know why."

My stomach lurches when she says the word love. I can't even begin to comprehend how that feels.

"But the answer is in here." Kory stares up at the facility and I do the same, completely bewildered by her statement. It doesn't take long for me to realise that whatever is in there won't be anything close to what I would assume and that any prediction I make won't do any good for anyone.

Kory approaches the entrance — a set of double doors approximately twelve feet high, bound by a robust, although severely rusted chain. She rips the metal apart effortlessly and the doors swing open, allowing us entry.

Dick, Donna and I are several feet behind as we trail along, observing the warehouse which consists of nothing but piles of rubble as far as the eye can see.

The entire time I'm frowning, the gears in my head turning rapidly as I attempt to piece together the reasons for Kory being here. Suddenly I question whether Kory is telepathic as a beam of purple light envelops all four of us, emitting an peculiar pulsing sound as it scans us from top to bottom.

"Woah," Dick breathes.

"What's going on?" Donna questions.

I'm completely unable to move any part of my body, let alone speak, in fear that the light may become a fatal weapon of some sort with any wrong move.

Next, I'm questioning my own eyes and my sanity.

The air begins to shimmer and waver until it begins to take shape. The shape that it takes, however, I couldn't tell in a million years, but it's huge. Huge is an understatement. It's like a machine. A massive machine that makes us look like ants.

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