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girl wonder

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girl wonder.
chapter twenty

IN the morning, I wake after having quite possibly the best sleep of my entire life. I hardly ever fatigue no matter how little sleep I get, however last night's slumber leaves me wondering if I'll ever need to rest again.

The events of the night before come rushing back to me, prompting me to smile a little and crane my head to the spot beside me. Dick's staring up at the ceiling, hands clasped together and eyebrows furrowed.

Quickly he notices my wakeful state and immediately smiles.

"Good morning," he greets. His eyes are warm when they lock onto mine.

"Good morning," I reply, surprised by the hoarseness of my own voice when I speak. My eyes flicker down to find that I'm wearing his shirt, something I don't remember putting on, but nevertheless it sends my heart racing.

For the next few moments, we lay there in silence, enjoying one another's presence, reminiscing the last few hours. Eventually, a thought springs to my mind.

"It doesn't feel like it's all over."

Dicks hums in question.

"We've spent the last few weeks constantly looking over our shoulders. Now we don't have to anymore, but I still have this pit, like I need to be on guard," I explain, fiddling with my fingers. "Tell me I'm not alone."

"I've felt like that since Bruce took me in. It comes and goes, and all I can really do is make the most of the time when it goes."

I look up to find Dick gazing at me and I can't help but smile.

"So, what's next?" I ask, propping myself up on my elbow. That's when I notice the packed duffel bag and briefcase stacked onto an armchair in the corner of the room.

He doesn't hesitate when he gives me an answer. "The asylum was home base for those freaks. They won't be bothering Rachel anymore, she's safe now. She's even got her mother back, so maybe she can try to live a normal life."

"What about you?"

Dick sighs. This time, there's hesitation. "Being Robin doesn't work anymore, but not being Robin doesn't work either. At least, not without some help. Help for both of us."

"You... want me to come with you?" Quite frankly, I hadn't thought about what was next for me, considering how quickly everything was happening. One day I'm at a motel in Ohio fighting a brainwashed family and the next day I'm watching an asylum burn down after taking down dozens of men in the space of a few minutes. I'd forgotten to stop and think — think about my dad, my job, and my old life, really, so I certainly hadn't thought about Dick wanting me to stay with him.

"Of course. I brought you with me for a reason, and the person I have in mind is someone I've wanted you to meet this entire time," he explains.

My eyebrows furrow. "Who?"

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