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girl wonder

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girl wonder.
chapter fourteen

I'M in a deep slumber when the thumping wakes me. At first, I'm so drowsy that it almost sounds like a steady heartbeat, but as I perk up and bring myself back to reality, I quickly realise that it's not loud music.

It's the sound of bodies being tossed around. Next door. Dick's room.

Without thinking, I tug on my boot heels and practically sprint out the door.

I burst into the room, just as a man charges into Dick and sends him flying through the window and over the balcony.

The man and the woman are dressed in a way that I can only describe as if they're attending a family barbecue. They haven't spotted me yet, so I duck into the bathroom and begin to weigh my options in my mind.

I need to finish what Dick started — I don't doubt that these people are here for Rachel.

Dick was also just shoved from the first floor. I need to make sure he's alright.

The pair strut out of the room and I dash to the edge of the building.

"Dick," I cry, my eyes immediately landing on his figure, sprawled out on a smashed car below. Without a single ounce of hesitation, I step forward and feel weightless as I drop down to the ground, scurrying over to him.

"Dick, are you okay?" I urge, laying my hands on top of his arm.

"I'm fine," he says, forcing a smile. He doesn't wince, which provides a small amount of assurance. Dick's only human, however, unlike me. A fall like that would be much more damaging to him.

"I'll be right back," he urges, quickly rolling off the car and disappearing off into the night, his suitcase in hand.

"Natasha?" a voice asks, forcing me to whip around. Gar and Rachel are standing there, eyes wide with panic and confusion.

"Where's Dick?" Rachel asks.

I march over to them, keeping a straight face so not to worry them. "I don't know," I lie.

Kory appears from behind a car and dashes over to join us.

"Kory?" Gar mutters, his face dropping as he watches a figure emerge from the motel.

All four of us turn to face him. I take a few steps forward, prepared to defend the others.

"Stand back," Kory warns the kids. "Get behind me."

Behind us, a boy appears, swinging a bat. Then a girl and a woman.

This must be the family Dick told me about.

"It's time to burn, assholes," Kory quips, stretching her arms out to the side in front of us. Her skin begins to glow, flickering. Quickly it completely falters, before she curses out, "fucking night!"

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